Workshop on Emergency Planning

One of the key findings of the IMLS-funded “Connecting to Collections” survey was that more than two-thirds of responding Vermont institutions (including libraries) do not have emergency plans and need and want help in preparing one. If you are one of those institutions, please plan on attending the Vermont Alliance for Response Forum that will be held on August 31, 2009 (9:00- 3:00) at the Billings Farm and Museum & Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historic Park in Woodstock, Vermont.

The daylong session will emphasize the importance of working with your community emergency responders in preparing your emergency plan. Nationally recognized speakers on disaster and emergency response will make it clear why planning is important and provide you with information on how to get started with your own plan.

The Vermont Historical Society will host the workshop and has received a grant from Heritage Preservation for a statewide initiative to bring together cultural heritage institutions and first responders. The workshop will be free but registration is required. We encourage you to contact your local emergency responders (fire, police, and local emergency managers) and ask them to attend with you to learn more about the important historic and cultural resources that are in their community.

For details, go to:

Registration information will soon be available at the Vermont Historical Society website.

Martha Reid
State Librarian
Vermont Department of Libraries
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-0601
Tel: (802) 828-3265
Fax: (802) 828-2199