2011 Annual Public Library Report and Standards Application

Hello Everyone,

This is a quick reminder that the Annual Public Library Report and Standards Application is due on or before November 21.  There are 75 libraries that haven’t begun the survey, to date. Please take the time to complete this very important report.

You begin at this website: http://collect.btol.com

If you don’t have your username or password, please contact your regional consultant, Amy Howlett, Jeremiah Kellogg, Michael Roche,  or me.  We’re glad to help you out.

Towns, legislators and other decision makers are looking for places to make cuts in budgets.  The library can be a convenient target.  We need data to share with these constituencies that will convince them of the importance of the public library within your community.  The analysis of the data you submit will provide you with the ammunition you need to prove your importance and legitimacy.

We know we’ve already asked you to complete the Public Library Funding and Technology Access Survey, which is nationwide. Now we’re asking for your participation in this survey, but the Annual Public Library Report and Standards Application is for Vermont libraries and for Vermont decision makers.

We know you’re working very hard , but we also know you’re committed to the mission of your library.  Help us help you in supporting that mission.

Thank you for all your good work.

Rob Geiszler
Library Development Consultant
Vermont Department of Libraries
271 North Main Street
Rutland, VT 05701
(802) 786-3839
Cell:  661-8615