Listed below are FREE programs Accessible Technology Coalition , ALA, American Management Association, Booklist, GrantSpace, Infopeople, Library 2.0, Library Journal, Lyrasis, Nebraska Library Commission, OCLC, TechSoup, Texas State Library & Archives, University of Wyoming, webex, and WebJunction will be webcasting during November.
In the event that you aren’t available during those times, or you would like to check out past webinars, here are the links to archived events:
OPAL Webinar Archives
Common Knowledge
School Library Journal
Tech Soup
Library Journal
eSchool News Webinars
SirsiDynx Institute Webinars
EDUCAUSE Live! archives
November 2-4
Library 2.011 World-wide Virtual Conference, 100+ programs to choose from (Library 2.0)
The Library 2.011 conference is a unique chance to participate in a global conversation on the current and future state of libraries. Subject strands include the changing roles of libraries and librarians, the increasing impact of digital media and the e-book revolution, open educational resources, digital literacy, shifts from information consumption to production (Web 2.0), multimedia and gaming spaces, libraries as community centers, the growth of individualized and self-paced learning, the library as the center of new learning models, understanding users in the digital age, assessing service delivery, and defining leadership and information professional careers in a networked and changing world. There are more than 100 programs to participate in.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 3 (3-4 pm)
Digital Graphics – Yours, Mine and Ours. A guide to their legal use (Infopeople)
Does your library have any protection when images that it posts on its website or social media sites start proliferating onto other sites without permission? This one-hour webinar includes a refresher and update to finding images in the public domain and asking permission for images that are copyrighted. Mary Minow , attorney, consultant, and former librarian, will introduce you to, a phenomenal reverse image search tool, provide a basic understanding of the legal protections the library’s images may have, and what they don’t have, and give sample language to use when asking permission to use an image, and to best ensure that the permissions given are legitimately from the copyright owner
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 4 (11 am-12 pm)
Tech Tools with Tine: Skype (Texas State Library & Archives)
Please join us for a special series with technology trainer, Christine Walczyk, all about popular online tools. The series is meant to be short on talk about library context and higher concepts about social media. It’s really all about the tools themselves! Our aim is to demonstrate how to use one tool in each webinar in under 60 minutes with time for Q&A built in.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 8 (1-2 am)
Grantseeking Basics (Grantspace)
Learn how to become a better grantseeker! In this class we will cover: what you need to have in place before you seek a grant; the world of grantmakers; the grantseeking process; and available tools and resources.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 8 (2-3 pm)
Continuing Focus on Series Nonfiction (Booklist)
Another free, hour-long installment of our ongoing and popular series nonfiction webinars for youth, showcasing presentations from three notable publishers in this high-demand genre: Scholastic Library Publishing, Crabtree Publishing Co., and Britannica. Moderated by Booklist’s Books for Youth senior editor Daniel Kraus.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 8 (3-4 pm)
Graphic Novel Experts Discuss the Latest Trends and Hottest Titles (Library Journal)
Join us for our graphic novel web cast to get a sneak peak at the best graphic novels hitting the shelves this fall and spring of 2012. Also listen to industry leaders from Kondansha, DC Comics and Archie Comics give their insights into what is happening within their own companies, and across the graphic novel industry.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 9 (11 am-12 pm)
Volunteers, A Link to the Community (Nebraska Library Commission)
Volunteers come from the community to serve, and go back into the community as ambassadors of the library. Annette Hall, TBBS Volunteer Services Coordinator, will show how you can plan every step of their volunteer experience to be the best it can be — from recruitment, selection, and training to supervision, evaluation, and recognition.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 9 (2-3 pm)
Personal Stories: New and Forthcoming Memoirs, Biographies, and Autobiographies (Library Journal)
As we head into winter (a perfect time to curl up with a blanket and a book), take a look at some of the new and forthcoming titles from our featured publishers. Who knows, you may find the perfect memoir for a snowy day or the biography you know a patron, or even your mom, would love for the holidays. There’s a story for everyone.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 9 (2-3 pm)
Spotlight! on National Library of Medicine Resources: Environmental Health Resources (National Library of Medicine)
A one hour FREE webinar. To join the webinar: Register .
To log in on day of webinar: go to and enter as a guest. Sign in with your first and last names. Follow the instructions in the meeting room to have the Adobe Acrobat Connect system call you on your telephone.
Additional information Send Questions to Jim Honour at the University of Wyoming (
November 10 (11 am-12 pm)
Tech Tools with Tine: Zotero (Texas State Library & Archives)
Please join us for a special series with technology trainer, Christine Walczyk, all about popular online tools. The series is meant to be short on talk about library context and higher concepts about social media. It’s really all about the tools themselves! Our aim is to demonstrate how to use one tool in each webinar in under 60 minutes with time for Q&A built in.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 10 (12-1 pm)
Discovering Scholarship: Collaboration and content delivery for today’s scholars (Library Journal)
What are scholars’ research paths? How do they get to the content they need? With the multitude of platforms and publishers and aggregators in today’s online research landscape, navigating through the sea of content is increasingly challenging for researchers at every level as they try to find not just the right search results, but a satisfying research experience. Oxford University Press and Library Journal ask: How can libraries and publishers collaborate to deliver a successful research experience for scholars? Topics will cover collaborative publishing initiatives, discoverability and usage tools at the publisher and library level, and paths of inquiry in an ideal research environment.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 10 (2-3 pm)
“Wow, That’s Cool! What is it?” (WebJunction)
The Library of Virginia spent part of the last 12 months touring the Commonwealth with a van full of technology toys: e-readers, iPads, pocket video cameras and more, thanks to a grant from IMLS. This webinar, presented by Cindy Church of LVA and her Wow That’s Cool trainer Lisa R. Varga, will describe how the project evolved, the response of library staff who had never seen or touched the technology patrons were asking about, things they’d do exactly the same next time, and things they’d never do again. Join us and learn about the program from several perspectives: the administrator, the trainer, and the conference attendee.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 15 (2-3 pm)
Seeking Synchronicity: Virtual Reference Services(OCLC)
Attend this webinar to learn about our research findings that will inform future development and inspire effectiveness for virtual reference services. Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Ph.D., OCLC, and Marie L. Radford, Ph.D., School of Communication & Information, Rutgers, will discuss the key findings of their multi-year study that were recently published in the report, Seeking Synchronicity: Revelations and Recommendations for Virtual Reference. These findings indicate that today’s students, scholars and citizens are not just looking to libraries for answers to specific questions—they want partners and guides in a life long information-seeking journey. By transforming virtual reference (VR) services into relationship-building opportunities, libraries can leverage the positive feelings people have for libraries in a crowded online space where the biggest players often don’t have the unique experience and specific strengths that librarians offer.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 15 (1-2 pm)
Introduction to Finding Funders (Grantspace)
Learn to find funders for your nonprofit with the Foundation Center’s comprehensive funding research tool.
This session provides an introduction to the Foundation Center’s comprehensive online database, Foundation Directory Online Professional. Learn how to create customized searches to develop targeted lists of foundations that will match your nonprofit organization’s funding needs. We will spend time exploring Power Search, which allows you to search across nine Foundation Center databases – grantmakers, grants, companies, 990s, news, jobs, RFPs, nonprofit literature, and PubHub reports.
This webinar will include a demonstration of the database followed by hands-on searching time (you may want to allow for at least an extra 30 minutes past the hour to take full advantage of the practice time).
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 16 (11 am-12 pm)
Hey Kids! Look What We’ve Got!: Effective Marketing to Tweens and Teens (Nebraska Library Commission)
With the library taking a much deeper look at marketing itself in order to bring in patrons, this program will look specifically at the Teens and Tweens of the community and present effective means of marketing to them. Since this is a traditionally under served population in the library, we will be looking at what the research has to say for marketing to this group, as well as our own experiences with marketing to Teens and Tweens. Presented by Jake Rundle, Hastings Public Library.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 16 (12-1 pm)
Cultivating Employee Work Passion: The New Rules of Engagement (webex)
In this webinar, best-selling author Scott Blanchard will share the results of five years of primary research which uncovers the motivational factors that bring out the natural motivation inherent in people, get employees up-to-speed quickly in new roles, and remove roadblocks to performance. You’ll explore: the leadership behaviors that build or erode Employee Work Passion, the High Road vs. The Low Road: Two approaches to managing performance, and the financial implications of poor leadership.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 16 (12-1 pm)
Maximizing the Mobile Opportunity (Library Journal)
Please join Greg Carpenter, CEO of Boopsie and Gary Kirk, President of TechLogic for a discussion on the mobile technology ecosystem, considerations for evaluating and designing web- and app-based solutions and ways librarians can stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving mobile marketplace. Additionally, the speakers will talk about best practices for integrating mobile into a library’s existing infrastructure including RFID security, ILS systems and delivery of ebook collections.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 16 (1-2 pm)
Basic Web Accessibility: Understanding WCAG 2.0(Accessible Technology Coalition)
As the most widely used international guidelines on web accessibility, and the basis for many federal and local standards, it’s important to understand WCAG. In this webinar, we’ll explore the relationship between WCAG 2.0, WCAG 1.0, and Section 508.
Login or sign up for a free membership to register for this training.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 16 (3-4 pm)
Proposal Writing Basics (Grantspace)
Learn the key components of a proposal to a foundation.
For those new to proposal writing, this class will cover:
- How the proposal fits into the overall grantseeking process
- What to include in a standard proposal to a foundation
- Tips for making each section of your proposal stronger
- What funders expect to see in your proposal and attachments
- Tips for communicating with funders during the grant process
- Additional resources on proposal writing, including sample proposals
Please Note: For more on proposal budgets, see free class,Proposal Budgeting Basics.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 16 (3-4 pm)
Libraries and Economic Recovery: Supporting Entrepreneurs (Infopeople)
Times are tough, unemployment is up, and libraries have responded by expanding services to people who are looking for jobs. But how about addressing the needs of people who are creating jobs? Entrepreneurs, especially the “new creatives” – designers, chefs, writers, landscapers, crafters, techies, and other imaginative problem-solvers – are expected to play a leading role in the economic recovery. Consultants George Needham and Joan Frye Williams will describe what these job-creators need and how innovative libraries are leveraging existing assets to accommodate them.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 16 (3:15-4:15 pm)
Google+ (Georgia Library Association)
In this session Michael Sauers, the Nebraska Library Commission’s Technology Innovation Librarian, takes you on a tour of Google+, Google’s latest attempt at creating a social network. At only a few months old it already has more than 50 million users and was designed with privacy in mind from the beginning. Is Google+ a Facebook killer? Is it something you should be paying attention to? Should your library be there? Michael will give his answers to these questions and more.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 17 (2-3 pm)
Proposal Budgeting Basics (Grantspace)
This session, geared to the novice grantseeker, will cover such topics as:
- What is included under the “personnel” section and how to calculate it?
- What level of detail do you need to include for non-personnel expenses?
- How do you determine reasonable costs?
- What types of expenses are considered “overhead”?
- What other financial documents will funders want to see?
Prior attendance at Proposal Writing Basics is strongly recommended.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 23 (11 am-12 pm)
Tech Talk with Michael Sauers (Nebraska Library Commission)
In this monthly feature of NCompass Live, the NLC’s Technology Innovation Librarian, Michael Sauers, will discuss the tech news of the month and share new and exciting tech for your library. There will also be plenty of time in each episode for you to ask your tech questions. So, bring your questions with you, or send them in ahead of time, and Michael will have your answers.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 28 (2-3 pm)
LYRASIS Technology Services Presents: Professional Development Classes & Consulting (LYRASIS)
This one hour free webinar will showcase the professional development, continuing educational opportunities LYRASIS Technology Services has to offer. Participants will meet the instructor(s) and hear about current and future educational offerings. During this session, participants will also hear about consulting opportunities and the types of projects available to them through LYRASIS Technology Services.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 29 (2-3 pm)
A Page Turner: Gale’s All-New Digital book Experience(Booklist)
Gale Virtual Reference Library, a digital book platform, has been completely redesigned with a vibrant, more engaging navigation and new features that encourage users to stay longer, search deeper, and find what they need faster. Experience the new face of digital reference in this free, hour-long presentation that showcases how Gale has combined the greatest parts of the print experience with a Web-like design to create a one-of-a-kind digital reference resource.Booklist Reference and Collection Management editor Rebecca Vnuk moderates.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 30 (12-1 pm)
How Emotional Intelligence Drives Effective Leadership(American Management Association)
This webcast gives you a comprehensive overview of how emotional intelligence drives effective leadership. It explains, in a concise way, the brain-basis of leading yourself and others. The emphasis is on information that can be applied by any leader at any level. Distinct leadership styles will be discussed, along with their effects on the climate of a business. You will learn how to develop and implement emotional intelligence competencies in yourself and others, and how to manage emotions for optimal performance.
For more information and to register for this program, visit:
November 30 (4-5 pm)
iPad Extras: Mounts, Switches and Other Peripherals(Accessible Technology Coalition)
Wondering what mounts, switches, and other peripherals to get for your iPads? Jennifer was too. She’ll share with you what she bought, what she didn’t, what she liked, and what she’s learned through this process. There will be an interactive discussion section; please share peripherals you have or have heard about, so we can all learn from each other.
Learning Objectives:
- Gain an understanding of peripherals available for the iPad
- Learn the pros and cons and the varied uses of these peripherals
- Understand different considerations to make informed purchasing decisions
Login or sign up for a free membership to register for this training.
For more information and to register for this program, visit: