2012 DOL Workshop Schedule

The Department of Libraries’ 2012 Continuing Education Website and 2012 Calendar are up and running. Whether you’re looking for public library certification or want to broaden your library skills, we have workshops for you.

Each year we offer two of the four 5-day core workshops required for public librarian certification. This year we are teaching Collection Development and Cataloging and Organization.*

We are providing technology workshops including workshops on interlibrary loan, first aid for computers, and on technology trends with the always enthusiastic Linda Braun.

Other highlights of 2012 include workshops on libraries and legal responsibilities, grant writing, disaster preparedness and response, legal reference, medical reference, adult programming, and strategic planning**.

Youth services will be supported with “Dream Big: Read!” (summer reading program), Tweens and Digital Storytelling, and the perennial favorite, Materials Review.

There are several other workshops in the works. When they are finalized, I will send out notices to let you know.

Again, the links are:

Continuing Education Website

List of 2012 workshops (click on the headings to see descriptions of the workshops or click on the titles to register)

Registration Calendar

Shortly after the workshop’s registration deadline, you will receive a confirmation from the workshop coordinator letting you know if you have been accepted, giving you directions to the site, and any special instructions.

Please don’t forget about the many mini-workshops we offer at your convenience. Contact your regional consultant for more information.

Please share this e-mail with your colleagues.

If you have any questions, comments, etc… don’t hesitate to contact me.


*Due to the retirement of DOL’s head of technical services, the details of this year’s cataloging workshop will be decided in the coming months.

** The dates have been set for the strategic planning workshop, but the venue will be determined based on where the majority of attendees are located.