Library Colleagues,
I am forwarding a message from ALA for action regarding (1) continued funding for Institute of Museum and Library Services and LSTA funding for libraries, and (2) an amendment that would stop funding for FISA orders.
Both of these issues are important and the Department of Libraries supports (1) FULL FUNDING for IMLS and LSTA, and (2) a YES vote on the Conyers’ amendment. Details about these amendments are below.
IMLS/LSTA funding in Vermont pays for:
- Partial salaries of 20 DOL employees who provide these services: library consulting, continuing education, support for youth services, library statistics
- Vermont Automated Library System and the Web2 union catalog
- OCLC interlibrary loan service
- Cataloging for public libraries
- A portion of the cost of the Vermont Online Library
- Services of the Library for the Blind and the Physically Handicapped
- Resource Sharing grants for public and academic libraries
We have a very supportive congressional delegation in Vermont, but they need to hear from you now.
Martha Reid
State Librarian
Vermont Department of Libraries
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