Tools to Support Teaching and Outreach: A Mix of the New and the
Friday, October 15, 2010
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
The fourteenth annual October Conference for New England academic librarians, sponsored by the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries.
We seek presenters for the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries’ annual October Conference for New England academic librarians!
This year’s conference will showcase practical applications of new tools – and innovative uses of tried-and-true tools – that support learning, outreach or reference. The day-long event is scheduled for Friday, October 15, 2010 at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire (an easy two-hour drive from Boston, Springfield, and many other New England locations).
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Author Archive: Web
Goddard College – Plainfield, VT (Washington County)
Goddard College is seeking volunteers for the following projects:
- Inventory – We will be starting the process of migrating to a new system in December and need to have an accurate inventory beginning in January 2011. If you are detail oriented and happy to work on your own with someone assigned to answer any questions you may have, please let us know!
- Weeding – We need folks with expertise/special interest in certain subject areas to assist us in mass weeding of the collection. Contact us if this interests you and we’ll discuss current areas of need.
Interested folks should contact Helen Linda, Library Systems & Technical Services Librarian at Goddard College, at
VLC Registration Now Closed!
Conference registration is officially closed! We are bursting at the seams and are thrilled with the number of attendees! We will accept any registrations that are post marked today (May 14) so if you want to be part of this year’s fabulous conference, print out your registration form and head to the post office before 5!
Jane Napier
Conference Committee Chair
Who’s Retiring this Year?
Hello, all: this is another call for names of people who are retiring this year. Anyone who is a member of VLA, has worked for 10 years or more in Vermont libraries and is retiring is eligible for a VLA retirement award. If you know of anyone who meets these criteria, please let me know.
Grace Greene
VLA Awards Committee Chair
Who's Retiring this Year?
Hello, all: this is another call for names of people who are retiring this year. Anyone who is a member of VLA, has worked for 10 years or more in Vermont libraries and is retiring is eligible for a VLA retirement award. If you know of anyone who meets these criteria, please let me know.
Grace Greene
VLA Awards Committee Chair
Registration for NYTSL Program Ends May 14
New York Technical Services Librarians
Spring Meeting & Program
Communities of Interest : A New Model for Institutional Repositories
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Online registration is still open:
Registration deadline: Friday, May 14, 2010.
SPEAKER: Kate Wittenberg
As Project Director, Client and Partnership Development at Ithaka, Kate focuses on building partnerships among scholars, publishers, libraries, technology providers, and societies with an interest in promoting the development of digital scholarship and building and sustaining innovative initiatives. Before coming to Ithaka, Kate was the Director of EPIC (the Electronic Publishing Initiative at
Columbia) a pioneering initiative in digital publishing, and a model partnership for libraries, presses, and academic IT departments. Some of the ventures produced by EPIC include CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online), Gutenberg-E (a reinvention of the monograph as an electronic work), and Jazz Studies Online.
Registration for NYTSL Program Ends May 14
New York Technical Services Librarians
Spring Meeting & Program
Communities of Interest : A New Model for Institutional Repositories
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Online registration is still open:
Registration deadline: Friday, May 14, 2010.
SPEAKER: Kate Wittenberg
As Project Director, Client and Partnership Development at Ithaka, Kate focuses on building partnerships among scholars, publishers, libraries, technology providers, and societies with an interest in promoting the development of digital scholarship and building and sustaining innovative initiatives. Before coming to Ithaka, Kate was the Director of EPIC (the Electronic Publishing Initiative at
Columbia) a pioneering initiative in digital publishing, and a model partnership for libraries, presses, and academic IT departments. Some of the ventures produced by EPIC include CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online), Gutenberg-E (a reinvention of the monograph as an electronic work), and Jazz Studies Online.
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Registration for NYTSL Program Ends May 14
New York Technical Services Librarians
Spring Meeting & Program
Communities of Interest : A New Model for Institutional Repositories
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Online registration is still open:
Registration deadline: Friday, May 14, 2010.
SPEAKER: Kate Wittenberg
As Project Director, Client and Partnership Development at Ithaka, Kate focuses on building partnerships among scholars, publishers, libraries, technology providers, and societies with an interest in promoting the development of digital scholarship and building and sustaining innovative initiatives. Before coming to Ithaka, Kate was the Director of EPIC (the Electronic Publishing Initiative at
Columbia) a pioneering initiative in digital publishing, and a model partnership for libraries, presses, and academic IT departments. Some of the ventures produced by EPIC include CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online), Gutenberg-E (a reinvention of the monograph as an electronic work), and Jazz Studies Online.
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Katherine Paterson Day
In conjunction with the Vermont Humanities Council 2010 Vermont Reads program, Barre’s Aldrich Public Library will host “Katherine Paterson Day” on Saturday, May 15 from 1 – 4 pm. The day will feature:
- Book discussions for adults and kids
- Dramatic Readings from Paterson’s “The Day of the Pelican” — in which an Albanian family must flee Kosovo to find refuge in Macedonia, then a home in Vermont.
- Dance performance by the Bosnian Lilies
- Film presentation “A Parallel World” by Essex filmmaker Mira Niagolova about life in a refugee camp on the Kosovo-Macedonian border
Family craft activities: bookmarks, buttons, mini-books, balloons! - Remarks by Katherine Paterson, Senator Patrick Leahy, Vt Humanities Council Director Peter Gilbert and Mayor Thom Lauzon.
- Refreshments
- Free admission
Information: or 476-7550
Katherine Paterson Day
In conjunction with the Vermont Humanities Council 2010 Vermont Reads program, Barre’s Aldrich Public Library will host “Katherine Paterson Day” on Saturday, May 15 from 1 – 4 pm. The day will feature:
- Book discussions for adults and kids
- Dramatic Readings from Paterson’s “The Day of the Pelican” — in which an Albanian family must flee Kosovo to find refuge in Macedonia, then a home in Vermont.
- Dance performance by the Bosnian Lilies
- Film presentation “A Parallel World” by Essex filmmaker Mira Niagolova about life in a refugee camp on the Kosovo-Macedonian border
Family craft activities: bookmarks, buttons, mini-books, balloons! - Remarks by Katherine Paterson, Senator Patrick Leahy, Vt Humanities Council Director Peter Gilbert and Mayor Thom Lauzon.
- Refreshments
- Free admission
Information: or 476-7550