NELA is looking for conference bloggers

NELA is looking for novice and experienced bloggers to help out at the NELA Conference on October 19-21.

Once again, Plymouth Rocket, Inc. – – is pleased to sponsor the conference blog and free Internet access for the bloggers.

“Taking Charge of Change”, the 2008 Annual NELA Conference, will be held at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, NH.

For more information, visit the NELA Web site at

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Workshop: Marketing for Libraries

Marketing for Libraries
Thursday December 4, 2008
9:30 am – noon
Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston

Participants will learn the basic steps of creating a marketing plan using information from “Crash Course in Marketing for Libraries” by Susan Webreck Alman and the Certified Public Library Administration marketing course taught by Wayne Piper. Guest speaker Elizabeth Bluemle, co-owner of the Flying Pig Book Store, will share book store tips for merchandising and marketing outside and within the building. Bring along examples of your successful library marketing experiences to share with the group.

It is highly recommended that participants purchase and review “Crash Course in Marketing for Libraries” by Susan Webreck Alman before attending the workshop. ($30, ISBN-10: 1591584302, ISBN-13: 978-1591584308) This book outlines a marketing plan in less than 58 pages, with several appendices of real-life examples.

Contact Marti Fiske for information and to register, or 802-878-4918. This workshop is sponsored by the Public Libraries Section of the Vermont Library Association.

CAYAL Fall Program

Hello Youth Librarians!

Please join us on Monday, November 10, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the Burnham Memorial Library in Colchester for a workshop presented by the VLA Children and Young Adult Librarians.  Our theme is resource sharing.  We’ll look at ways to create low cost, exciting, educational youth programs “On a Shoestring”.  The fee is $30 for the full day workshop and lunch. (Checks payable to VLA, see CAYAL Program and Registration).  Here’s the agenda for the day:

  • Preschool story time activities with Ellie Tetrick of Ellie’s Preschool Parties.
  • Children’s theatre troupe the Very Merry Theatre with director Don Wright.
  • Discussion with Rebecca Goldberg, Fletcher Free librarian, on ways to make the most of community resources.
  • CAYAL wiki resource sharing.
  • Lunch and Yankee Swap, a youth librarians’ potluck of resources!
  • Optional demo of The Early Literacy Station.

Don’t miss this chance to bring new energy to your library programs and meet your fellow librarians! Hope to see you on November 10th.

Questions? email or call Jill Coffrin at or Gizelle Guyette (802-878-0313 ext. 109).

Vermont Public Television (VPT) Outreach for Digital Television Conversion

Vermont Public Television (VPT) – Your Resource for the Digital Television Conversion!

VPT to Host Call-In Show about Digital TV on Thursday, October 9

Digital television is on the air, and traditional analog broadcasting will end Feb. 17, 2009. Viewers have been asking VPT about digital television, and on Thursday, Oct. 9, at 8 p.m., there will be a special opportunity to get answers during a live call-in show. Fran Stoddard hosts “DTV & You,” a one-hour program with a special focus on viewers who get their TV over the air by antenna.

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Organizing Legislative Gatherings

In this important election year, the Vermont Library Association’s Government Relations Committee is organizing regional legislative gatherings statewide during the week of November 17th, 2008. We have chosen this week because it is after the November elections, but before legislators are in full session in Montpelier. It is the optimum time in which to remind your legislators of the importance of public libraries, particularly in challenging economic times, and to put forward our ongoing agenda of additional support for libraries in Vermont.

We invite you and your library to participate in this. While the format of these gatherings has varied, they all provide an opportunity for legislators, librarians, and trustees to talk about library issues and the key part that libraries play in Internet access, job searching, and education. It is also an opportunity for us to hear about the legislative process and the agenda before them.

We need to meet with Legislators this year to thank them for their support for the new patron confidentiality law and to remind them that state funding for public libraries continues to be an important issue. Our goal is to keep this at the top of their agenda when state finances are stronger. We also want Legislators to ensure ongoing support for the Department of Libraries’ services to public libraries.

Click on the following link for instructions on organizing a gathering:  Legislative Gatherings How-to.

VT Library Confidentiality Act Panel

Vermont Law Review Symposium

OCTOBER 17, 2008

This symposium,sponsored by the Vermont Law Review, features keynote speaker Louis Fisher, constitutional law scholar with the Library of Congress and an expert in national security issues who is often called upon to testify before Congress. His newest book, 9/11 and the Constitution,  was released in August. Expert panels will discuss a variety of topics including immigration, environmental law, protecting library records, and the right to dissent

8:30 OPENING REMARKS by Geoffrey Shields

8: 45 – Vermont Library Patron’s Confidentiality Act
Gail Weymouth, Chairwoman of the VT Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee
Jane Woldow, Vermont Law School Librarian
Retta Dunlop, Executive Director of Vermonters for Better EducationRead more

Nov. 7 Deadline – 2008 National Survey of Public Library Funding and Technology Access

Hello everyone,

As of this morning, 34 sampled libraries in Vermont have completed the survey, which is a 21.8% response rate.  Again, we have to attain at least a 60% response rate to be able to analyze each state individually, so hopefully we can get many more in!  There is now one month left in the survey cycle, as it will close November 7, so anything you can do to increase the responses in our state would be greatly appreciated. 

Libraries should go to to complete their surveys.  Thank you again for your help and, as always, please let me know if you have any questions or need more information.

Thank you everyone who has completed the survey.  You’re helping us all for future grant applications.

Rob Geiszler

NELA Conference — Plan to Attend

Don’t Miss Out on Discount Rates for NELA 2008! 

NELA is accepting Early Registration for “Taking Charge of Change”, the 2008 Annual NELA Conference being held from October 19 to 21, 2008 at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, NH.

If your registration is postmarked by October 10, you can receive a 25-30%!

Here are a few of the highlights:

  • Adult Programming Showcase
  • Drop-In Resume Review
  • Easy Web Fixes
  • “Graphic” Nonfiction
  • Help! The Teen Librarian Has Left the Building
  • Hot Topics in Technical Services
  • Leading by Example: Toward More Sustainable Communities
  • My College Freshman Is Your High School Senior
  • Sophisticated Picture Books
  • The Vanishing Male: Guy Stuff That Lures and Hooks
  • Special Guest Authors: Simon Winchester, Cynthia Lord, and Michael Palmer
  • Special Guest Storytellers: Eshu and Motoko and Raouf Mama

Join your colleagues for all this plus award winners, discussion leaders, gamers, social hours, luncheons, exhibits, exhibits, and more exhibits!

Register by mail or online at

ALA Great Stories Club, provided by Oprah’s Angel Network

Great Stories CLUB logo
(Connecting Libraries, Underserved teens and Books)

Now accepting applications for Round II!
The Great Stories CLUB is organized by the American Library Association Public Programs Office (PPO), in cooperation with the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA). Major funding for the Great Stories CLUB has been provided by Oprah’s Angel Network.

The Great Stories CLUB is a reading and discussion program that targets underserved, troubled teen populations. The program reaches teens through books that are relevant to their lives, inviting them to read and keep the books, and encourages them to consider and discuss each title with a group of their peers. It seeks to show that reading can be a source of pleasure, a tool for self-exploration, and a meaningful way to connect to the wider world. Its ultimate goal is to inspire young adults who face difficult situations to take control of their lives by embracing the power of reading.

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ALA Great Stories Club, provided by Oprah's Angel Network
Great Stories CLUB logo
(Connecting Libraries, Underserved teens and Books)
Now accepting applications for Round II!
The Great Stories CLUB is organized by the American Library Association Public Programs Office (PPO), in cooperation with the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA). Major funding for the Great Stories CLUB has been provided by Oprah’s Angel Network.
The Great Stories CLUB is a reading and discussion program that targets underserved, troubled teen populations. The program reaches teens through books that are relevant to their lives, inviting them to read and keep the books, and encourages them to consider and discuss each title with a group of their peers. It seeks to show that reading can be a source of pleasure, a tool for self-exploration, and a meaningful way to connect to the wider world. Its ultimate goal is to inspire young adults who face difficult situations to take control of their lives by embracing the power of reading.
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