Digital Information Management Certificate Program Application Deadline Extended; Scholarships available (Virtual Program, No Residency)

The University of Arizona School of Information Resources and Library Science is pleased to announce that openings are available, as well as a number of full scholarships, in the school’s graduate certificate program in Digital Information Management. The program is scheduled to begin a new series of courses starting this summer. Prospects have until April 1, 2008 to apply for one of the openings and available financial aid.

DigIn, as the program is known, provides hands-on experience and focused instruction supporting careers in libraries and archives, cultural heritage institutions and digital collections, information repositories in government and the private sector and similar institutions. The certificate is comprised of six courses covering diverse topics including digital collections, applied technology, technology planning and leadership, policy and ethics, digital preservation and curation, and other subjects relevant to today’s digital information environments.

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Author T.A. Barron’s Prize for Young Heroes

Author T.A. Barron¹s Prize for Young Heroes is happy to share the following information:

The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes seeks nominations for its 2008 awards. The Barron Prize honors young people ages 8 to 18 who have made a significant positive difference to people and our planet. Each year, ten winners across the U.S. and Canada each receive $2,000 to support their service work or higher education. Nomination deadline is April 30. For more information and to nominate, visit Additionally, the Barron Prize is excited to offer librarians a comprehensive set of heroes materials, including a brand new documentary film, Dream Big, and a corresponding Young Heroes Activity Guide. For more information, visit

Author T.A. Barron's Prize for Young Heroes

Author T.A. Barron¹s Prize for Young Heroes is happy to share the following information:
The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes seeks nominations for its 2008 awards. The Barron Prize honors young people ages 8 to 18 who have made a significant positive difference to people and our planet. Each year, ten winners across the U.S. and Canada each receive $2,000 to support their service work or higher education. Nomination deadline is April 30. For more information and to nominate, visit Additionally, the Barron Prize is excited to offer librarians a comprehensive set of heroes materials, including a brand new documentary film, Dream Big, and a corresponding Young Heroes Activity Guide. For more information, visit

Library confidentiality bill gets favorable committee vote–now it’s on to the Senate

On Friday, Feb. 15, the Vermont Senate Government Operations Committee voted in favor of S. 220, “An Act Relating to the Confidentiality of Library Patron Records.”  The bill now goes to the full Senate on Tuesday, Feb. 19.  VLA members are encouraged to call or send e-mail messages to their senators asking them to support the bill.  S. 220 is quite similar to our proposed bill, except that the committee amended it to allow parental/guardian access to the records of children under 16–even for materials that are not overdue.  FYI, here’s the VLA statement explaining the importance of confidentiality for minors:  Statement on the importance of protecting the confidentiality of minors

Library confidentiality bill gets favorable committee vote–now it's on to the Senate

On Friday, Feb. 15, the Vermont Senate Government Operations Committee voted in favor of S. 220, “An Act Relating to the Confidentiality of Library Patron Records.”  The bill now goes to the full Senate on Tuesday, Feb. 19.  VLA members are encouraged to call or send e-mail messages to their senators asking them to support the bill.  S. 220 is quite similar to our proposed bill, except that the committee amended it to allow parental/guardian access to the records of children under 16–even for materials that are not overdue.  FYI, here’s the VLA statement explaining the importance of confidentiality for minors:  Statement on the importance of protecting the confidentiality of minors

POSTPONED: Advocacy Committee Meeting

Hi All,

Due to unexpected scheduling conflicts for many of the members, we’ve decided to postpone our meeting. If you are interested in attending the next meeting, please let me know and we can work with you on best scheduling times.

Helen Linda
celestihel [at] gmail [dot] com

ALA Applauds Support of Libraries in FY2009 Presidential Budget

From the NELA listserv:

Contact: Andy Bridges

ALA Washington Office


For Immediate Release

Libraries nationwide to benefit from President Bush’s proposed budget

WASHINGTON — The American Library Association (ALA) applauds the funding increases for libraries proposed in President Bush’s fiscal year (FY) 2009 budget, released this morning. The increases in library funding proposed by the President will mean that many of America’s libraries can continue to provide key programs and services to their communities, like bookmobiles and public access to the Internet.

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2008 Financial Assistance for Library and Information Studies Directory

CHICAGO – Need additional financial assistance? The 2008 Financial Assistance for Library and Information Studies Directory is an annual directory of awards from state library agencies, national and state library associations, local libraries, academic institutions and foundations that give some form of financial assistance for undergraduate and/or graduate education programs in library and information studies. The directory is available online at

For information on Scholarships available through ALA, visit or call the ALA Scholarship Clearinghouse at (800) 545-2433, ext. 4279.