VLA Statement on the Ryan Budget

Press Contact: Amber Billey, VLA President
Phone: 802-656-8568
Email: abilley@uvm.edu
April 8, 2014
The Vermont Library Association joins American Library Association President Barbara Stripling in rebuking the budget plan by House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI). This budget plan seeks to eliminate federal funding for multiple programs dedicated to the public good that directly benefit Vermont libraries and their patrons.
Ryan’s budget resolution effectively calls for the dissolution of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), a federal agency that administers grants to libraries and museums, including the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) state funding program. In Vermont, LSTA funds represent approximately 25% of the state’s $3.8 million Department of Libraries budget for fiscal year 2014.
President Stripling writes, “Libraries depend on the support they receive from IMLS to help patrons learn new skills, find job opportunities and access reading materials that they otherwise could not afford. More than $180 million has been appropriated to the Institute for Museum and Library Services through September 2014 to help libraries make information and services available to the citizens they serve. In Rep. Ryan’s own state of Wisconsin, more than 65 percent of libraries report that they are the only free access point to Internet in their communities.”
Vermont libraries serve the same critical role in ensuring equitable access to the Internet, books, and other educational materials. In Vermont LSTA funding has allowed libraries to create summer reading programs, offer adapted resources to blind and physically disabled patrons, provide Vermonters with reliable access to online databases, enhance public programs, train librarians, and much more.
The Vermont Library Association commends Vermont’s Congressional delegation for their unanimous support for LSTA. Senator Leahy, Senator Sanders, and Congressman Welch all signed on to “Dear Colleague” letters in support of the program.
Ryan would like to make similar cuts in federal funding to agencies such as the National Endowment for the Arts, Public Broadcasting Service, and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), a move that would result in the loss of cultural heritage on an epic scale. In Vermont, the NEH has funded $1,118,552 toward identifying and preserving nearly 1,000 historic Vermont newspaper titles through the Vermont Newspaper Project. Most recently NEH funded digitizing over 200,000 pages through the Vermont Digital Newspaper Project.
Vermont Library Association President Amber Billey says, “In a budget that also proposes the elimination of community block grants and the drastic reduction of anti-poverty measures such as food stamps, perhaps it should be no surprise to see such disregard for America’s libraries. Vermont’s most recent libraries statistics indicate widespread use of services – nearly 4 million visits to our facilities, over 20,000 public programs offered, and 4.5 million items such as books circulated. Paul Ryan’s budget would seriously impact our ability to provide these critical services to Vermonters.”
VLA Statement on Rep. Paul Ryan’s Budget Proposal That Recommends Elimination of IMLS (PDF, 228 K)

Last Call – Vermont Library Technology Unconference 4/9/14

What are you doing next Wednesday? Here’s an idea:
Register for the 2014 Vermont Library Tech Unconference!
Wednesday, April 9, from 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., at Midstate Library Service Center in Berlin.
This is the second time that we’ve held the event; some of you may have attended the first one, back in September of 2012. The intention is to bring together library staff members from across the state to talk about their work with technology, both strategies and challenges. All levels of skill are welcome. Come hear what other libraries are doing, and share your ideas!
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Legislative Breakfast Materials!

The Vermont Library Association’s Government Relations committee has revised materials that libraries can use to host regional legislative breakfasts, as a way of outreaching to your representatives and senators in the Vermont statehouse and apprising them of the contributions libraries make to Vermont and Vermonters. You can find suggested instructions along with a sample invitation, agenda, press release, talking points, FAQ’s and more here:
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Legislative Breakfast Materials!

The Vermont Library Association’s Government Relations committee has revised materials that libraries can use to host regional legislative breakfasts, as a way of outreaching to your representatives and senators in the Vermont statehouse and apprising them of the contributions libraries make to Vermont and Vermonters. You can find suggested instructions along with a sample invitation, agenda, press release, talking points, FAQ’s and more here:

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VLA Award Nomination Deadline Coming Up

This is a reminder that you still have time to nominate star librarians, trustees, and advocates for the Vermont Library Association’s awards. Nominations close March 1st.
The Sarah C. Hagar Award is awarded each year for outstanding service in or significant contribution to the field of librarianship in Vermont. Nominees for the Sarah C. Hagar award must be working in a Vermont library (public, academic, school, or special) and be a member of VLA.
The Trustee of the Year Award recognizes outstanding achievement by a trustee on behalf of his or her library, either during the previous year or during his or her years of service. Nominations may be submitted by any library trustee, library board, librarian, member of a Friends group, or VLA member.
The Library Advocate of the Year Award is given occasionally by the VLA Government Relations Committee to an outstanding public advocate for libraries in local, state, or national government.
The Green Mountain Award is given as the opportunity arises to individuals or organizations for distinguished service, support, or unusual contributions to a Vermont library or libraries.
Please visit http://www.vermontlibraries.org/awards for nomination procedures, and to find the truly inspirational list of awards recipients.

VLA Award Nomination Deadline Coming Up

This is a reminder that you still have time to nominate star librarians, trustees, and advocates for the Vermont Library Association’s awards. Nominations close March 1st.

The Sarah C. Hagar Award is awarded each year for outstanding service in or significant contribution to the field of librarianship in Vermont. Nominees for the Sarah C. Hagar award must be working in a Vermont library (public, academic, school, or special) and be a member of VLA.

The Trustee of the Year Award recognizes outstanding achievement by a trustee on behalf of his or her library, either during the previous year or during his or her years of service. Nominations may be submitted by any library trustee, library board, librarian, member of a Friends group, or VLA member.

The Library Advocate of the Year Award is given occasionally by the VLA Government Relations Committee to an outstanding public advocate for libraries in local, state, or national government.

The Green Mountain Award is given as the opportunity arises to individuals or organizations for distinguished service, support, or unusual contributions to a Vermont library or libraries.

Please visit http://www.vermontlibraries.org/awards for nomination procedures, and to find the truly inspirational list of awards recipients.

5th Annual ACRL-NEC Vermont Virtual Conference

The Association of College and Research Libraries – New England Chapter (ACRL/NEC) has just announced that registration is open for its Spring 2014 Conference:  We’re All in This Together: Strengthening Librarians through Professional Development. It should be a great time, but if you cannot make it down to Worcester, MA and want an opportunity to network with other Vermont librarians, then…

Register now for the 5th Annual ACRL-NEC Vermont Virtual Conference on Friday, May 9th, 2014!

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Green Mountain Library Constortium Seeks Volunteer Listen Up! Vermont Coordinator

Spread the word! Contact the GMLC Executive Director if you’re interested at gmlced@gmail.com
Duties of the Listen Up! Vermont Selection Committee Coordinator:

  1. Ensure new content appears in the collection on a regular basis
  2. Ensure that the Listen Up! Vermont collection spending remains in budget (given by GMLC ED)
  3. Ensure that all purchases conform with the Green Mountain Library Consortium Selection Policy
  4. Ensure that the Listen Up! Vermont collection is meeting the needs of its users – for example, noting popular titles and subjects and maintaining a reasonably low wait period for titles
  5. Responsibly spend any grant funds procured for content, maintaining a record of purchases for grant reporting
  6. Ensure that the cataloging for the content on the Listen Up! Vermont site meets our state and consortium’s appropriate guidelines, including the proper cataloging of Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Green Mountain Book Award, and Red Clover titles
  7. Organizes and facilitates the Listen Up! Vermont Selection Committee’s meetings, communications, and purchases, including periodic updates of the “Staff Picks” Collection
  8. Recruits members for the Listen Up! Vermont Selection Committee, if necessary

5th Annual ACRL-NEC Vermont Virtual Conference

The Association of College and Research Libraries – New England Chapter (ACRL/NEC) has just announced that registration is open for its Spring 2014 Conference:  We’re All in This Together: Strengthening Librarians through Professional Development. It should be a great time, but if you cannot make it down to Worcester, MA and want an opportunity to network with other Vermont librarians, then…

Register now for the 5th Annual ACRL-NEC Vermont Virtual Conference on Friday, May 9th, 2014!

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