Young Writers Project

Each year, Young Writers Project (YWP) creates original, weekly writing challenges and invites Vermont teens 13-19 (and younger with parental permission) to respond to the prompts in school and after school on the YWP website, The best of the students’ writing and visual art is then published in partnership with newspapers across Vermont, on, in YWP’s monthly digital magazine, The Voice, and annual Anthology. Along with the writing challenges, YWP has a vibrant online community of youth who create their own podcasts, open mic nights, a book club and more. They also participate in monthly writing workshops and other projects and events that revolve around the YWP site.

YWP, which started in Burlington, VT in 2006, is an independent nonprofit with a mission to inspire, mentor, publish and promote young writers and artists. Please encourage the young writers and artists in your communities to sign up for a free account and join the YWP community.

Susan Reid
Executive Director | Young Writers Project
47 Maple St., Suite 216, Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 324-9538

Susan Reid
Executive Director | Young Writers Project
47 Maple Street, Suite 216, Burlington, VT 05401

(802) 324-9538

YWP’s mission is to inspire, mentor, publish, and promote young writers and artists.


Free Library Continuing Education Events for September

Listed below are FREE programs The Accessible Technology Coalition, American Management Association, Booklist, Colorado State Library, Georgia Library Association, Grantspace, Infopeople, Insync Training, Library Journal, NASA, National Library of Medicine, Nebraska Library Commission, Nonprofit Webinars, O’Reilly, Texas State Library and Archives Commission, TL Virtual Cafe, VolunteerMatch,  Washington State Library, WebJunction, and the Wyoming State Library will be webcasting during September.

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Turning the Page 2.0 Statewide Kickoff!

If you, your staff, your trustees and friends have not yet done so, please consider joining us for the Fall session of Turning the Page 2.0, the 6-week free online course in advocacy from the Public Library Association and supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation who know the importance of these skills. Many Vermont librarians and trustees have taken this course and used what they learned to help their library.

Whether you have a capital campaign starting up, want to prepare each year for Town Meeting, hope to add staff or programming, or simply want to get a well-focused and well-honed message out to your community with a strong, coordinated voice, this training is tremendous.

Meanwhile, registration is OPEN at: and closes September 12.

And please register with me to join us in-person or online on September 12 in Berlin, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. You can write ( or phone me (802-828-2714) to register or to ask questions.

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An Afternoon with Jane Austen!

You are Cordially Invited to JASNA-Vermont’s September Meeting
An Afternoon with Jane Austen!
Sunday, 23 September 2012, 1 – 5 p.m.
Champlain College, Hauke Conference Center, 375 Maple St Burlington VT

Free & Open to the Public

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Vermont Library Conference Planners Want to Hear From You!

It’s time to call for ideas for workshops for the Spring 2013 conference. We offer what librarians tell us they want, so if you haven’t seen the kind of workshops you want at conference in the last few years, now’s the time to let us know what you want to see. Keynote ideas are always welcome as well. Please send proposals and ideas to by November 1.

Funding Available to Increase Literacy Resources for Adult ELL – Deadline Aug 26

In May 2012, The ALA Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS) received funding from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation to continue the American Dream Starts @ your library, a literacy initiative serving adult English language learners and their families.  A primary goal of this project is to help public libraries in Dollar General communities add or improve library literacy services for adult English language learners and their families.

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New York Library Association Annual Conference – Nov 7-10, 2012

NYLA Annual Conference
November 7 – 10, 2012
Saratoga Springs, NY
Registration for the NYLA 2012 Conference and Trade Show is now open!
Why should you go?
  • Choose from 11 Continuing Education Courses
  • Over 70 programs to choose from over the 3 day Conference
  • 2 days of Trade Show featuring more than 100 vendors to help you enhance your library
  • As if that isn’t enough, we have 4 days worth of special events to keep you entertained…

Outreach Coordinator Meet & Greet

Hello Fellow Outreach Coordinators,

I am the Outreach Coordinator at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library.  I’ve been thinking for quite a while that I’d love the opportunity to gather with other Outreach folks to find out how other libraries provide outreach and also to exchange ideas.  I am taking a page from the book of our children’s librarian, Jane Napier.  She coordinates a state-wide meeting of children’s librarians twice a year.  I am proposing to meet on Tuesday, October  9th, here at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library in Montpelier from 10 – 12:30.  We could continue the discussion over lunch at one of Montpelier’s fine eateries.

Please let me know if you can attend by September 28th.  My email is:  or phone – 223.4665

Looking forward to meeting and exchanging ideas!

All the best,
Rachael Grossman

Outreach Coordinator Meet & Greet

Hello Fellow Outreach Coordinators,
I am the Outreach Coordinator at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library.  I’ve been thinking for quite a while that I’d love the opportunity to gather with other Outreach folks to find out how other libraries provide outreach and also to exchange ideas.  I am taking a page from the book of our children’s librarian, Jane Napier.  She coordinates a state-wide meeting of children’s librarians twice a year.  I am proposing to meet on Tuesday, October  9th, here at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library in Montpelier from 10 – 12:30.  We could continue the discussion over lunch at one of Montpelier’s fine eateries.
Please let me know if you can attend by September 28th.  My email is:  or phone – 223.4665

Looking forward to meeting and exchanging ideas!
All the best,
Rachael Grossman