Listed below are FREE programs American Management Association, Booklist, Colorado State Library, Common Knowledge, Education Week, Grantspace, Harvard Business Review, Infopeople, InSync Training, Library Journal, National Library of Medicine, O’Reilly, San Jose State University – SLIS, SirsiDynix , TechSoup, TL Virtual Café, and WebJunction, will be webcasting during April.
NEDCC Preservation Workshops – April 24th – May 3rd
Early-bird deadlines are approaching!
These full-day, in-person workshops are a great way to receive hands-on training in caring for your collections.
Vermont’s Digital Future Conference
Tuesday May 8, 2012 from
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Champlain College, South Willard Street, Burlington VT 05401
Broadband connections can open opportunities in all sectors and for all Vermonters. On May 8th, join leaders from around the state to set the path for using Internet technology to create jobs, strengthen our communities, reinvent schools and increase citizen participation.
Vermont's Digital Future Conference
Tuesday May 8, 2012 from
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Champlain College, South Willard Street, Burlington VT 05401
Broadband connections can open opportunities in all sectors and for all Vermonters. On May 8th, join leaders from around the state to set the path for using Internet technology to create jobs, strengthen our communities, reinvent schools and increase citizen participation.
Read more
Vermont Libraries in the News! National Library Week
Sarah Lawton of the Ilsley Public Library in Middlebury joined me to booktalk favorite titles for “A Salute to National Library Week.” The broadcast will air Monday, April 9 at 12:10 on channel 3, WCAX. The annotated list is available now at Feel free to use as a news release, bookmark, or display inspiration.
Amy Howlett
Vermont Department of Libraries
New Green Mountain Book Award Masterlist
And the opportunities to spend your book budget keep on coming! The newly selected Green Mountain Book Award list for high school students for 2012-2013 is now on our website: Enjoy!
DOL Workshops in April
The following workshops will be taking place in April. Please click on the title to register.
Library Snapshot Day (Any Day April 8-14)
Taking place during National Library Week (April 8 – 14), Library Snapshot Day is a great way of documenting all the vital services libraries provide to the citizens of Vermont. For more information, please visit:
Library Snapshot Day (Any Day April 10 – 16)
Taking place during National Library Week (April 10 – 16), Library Snapshot Day is a great way of documenting all the vital services libraries provide to the citizens of Vermont. For more information, please visit:
The more libraries we have participating, the better our final statistics will be! So be sure to join us for this exciting initiative! We look forward to getting a vision of Vermont libraries!
2012-2013 DCF List
It’s here! Check out the list of 30 great books the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children’s Book Award committee just selected. Hope you like the choices.