Announcing Google Event for VT Business and Non-Profits


The Vermont Department of Libraries is a partner in “Vermont Get You Business Online” which is sponsoring events in Burlington and Rutland for Vermont businesses and non-profits – including libraries and Friends groups.

This program is designed to help organizations get online by providing you with one-on-one assistance to: create a website, learn about Google tools and resources, use online marketing ideas, and get advice and tips. All for free!

Space is limited and reservations are required. Choose from three days: August 11-12 in Burlington and August 13 in Rutland.

Go to for more information and to reserve your spot!

And please spread the word to small business and non-profits in your community.


Tech Trends 2011 Workshop

If you don’t have anything else planned for Wednesday, August 17th from 9:30-3:00 (or even if you do!), please consider coming to the Aldrich Library in Barre for Tech Trends 2011. Perennial favorite presenter Linda Braun will be sparking our imaginations with exciting new technologies for our libraries.

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Free Online Education Opportunities for August 2011

Listed below are FREE programs The American Management Association, Booklist, GrantSpace, Infopeople, insynctraining, LE@D, Library Journal, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Nebraska Library Commission, Accessible Technology Coalition, School Library Journal, TechSoup, Texas State Library & Archives Commission, and WebJunction will be webcasting during August.

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Advocacy Training Opportunity: Turning the Page 2.0

Turning the Page 2.0 (TtP 2.0) is a free public library advocacy training course developed and presented by the Public Library Association (PLA) with generous support from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

In this six-week, facilitated online course, library staff and supporters will learn how to create and tell their library’s story, deliver effective presentations, develop a compelling case for support, and build and sustain partnerships along the way.

Participants are encouraged to come with a specific, self-determined advocacy goal for their library. At the end of six weeks, you’ll have a complete Advocacy Work Plan to guide your efforts.

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Raise Funds for Your Library with Vermont Public Libraries Calendars!

Raise awareness and cash at the same time with our beautiful VLA 2012 Vermont Public Libraries Calendar! The time to advertise is now! Production is underway… the calendar is going to be great!

The VLA 2012 Calendar:
Sings libraries’ praise.
Will help you fundraise.
Has gorgeous photo displays.
Keeps track of your days.
Even follows the moon’s phase!
…It’s a calendar that works in so many ways!

Links for two pdfs are below – an info/order form for librarians, and a flyer/order form to print out and post for your patrons, friends, relatives, whomever…

Fill in the top circle of the advertising flyer with your selling price, we recommend $15-$20. Remember that roughly $8.50 will go towards production and shipping costs and your library pockets the rest. At the bottom of that flyer, write who the checks should be made out and given to (your library or your Friends group).

We recommend ordering a small stock for the library to sell after the order deadline. Chances are you’ll get lots of additional interest after you can show a sample copy, especially in November and December. When you’ve got all the forms and checks you think you’ll get, fill out the order form for libraries. To reserve your calendars, place your order by September 15. Calendars will be shipped at the end of October.

Questions? Write us at or .

The Calendar Team

Ad VLA2012Calendar_librarians
AD VLA2012Calendar_patrons

VLA Members Craft ALA Resolution to Enhance Reader Privacy Protections

VLA members Trina Magi,  UVM Bailey Howe Library,  Gail Weymouth, Director of  Killington’s  Sherburne Memorial Library and Nancy Wilson, Director of Bristol’s Lawrence Memorial Library played  major roles in the creation  and adoption of  an ALA Resolution to better protect reader privacy.

  The Intellectual Freedom Committee and the IFC Privacy Subcommittee developed the “Resolution to Protect Library User Confidentiality in Self-Service Hold Practices” after receiving requests from librarians and library users to examine the issue of reader privacy and self-service holds.  Prior to last month’s ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, the Office for Intellectual Freedom distributed the resolution for comment, and an open hearing was held during Conference for comments.  That process led to a revision of the resolution and what the IFC believes to be an improved version.

The final resolution as presented by the Intellectual Freedom Committee was adopted by the ALA Council on June 28.

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Library Journal/SLJ 2011 e-Book Survey

Vermont Library Community,

Please see info below concerning a survey that Library Journal (LJ) and School Library Journal (SLJ) are conducting on e-Books in libraries. Some of you may already have participated in this survey – this is a“final reminder” that I received from LJ today.

They hope to hear from all public, school and academic libraries – even from libraries that do not subscribe to or use e-Books.

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New Workshop: GOOGLE APPS

“I already have email, and can write a letter, so what’s so special about Google Apps that I would want to change?” Join us to learn from Dan Greene about the many advantages of Google Docs, Email, Google Sites, and Google Forms. With Google, you will be able to work collaboratively and access your records anywhere.

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