ALCTS web course: Fundamentals of Acquisitions Starting in September

The Fundamentals of Acquisitions (September 6 – October 1, 2010) web course focuses on the basics of library acquisitions:

  • goals and methods of acquiring monographs and serials
  • financial management of library collections budgets
  • relationships among acquisitions librarians, library booksellers, subscription agents, and publishers

Description: This course provides a broad overview of the operations involved in acquiring materials after the selection decision is made.

In FOA, we distinguish between collection development, which involves the selection of materials for the library; and acquisitions, which orders, receives, and pays for those materials. In many libraries, selecting and acquiring materials may be done in the same department-in the smallest libraries perhaps even by the same person. In larger
libraries, selection may be done by a collection development department and/or designated subject specialists, while a separate department acquires the selected materials. Acquisitions, in essence, is the business side of bringing materials into the library or licensing access to library resources.

Instructors: Morag Boyd and Kate Kasimor

For additional details and registration information see:

Circle of Learning Scholarships – Deadline Approaching

The deadline is rapidly approaching for individuals to apply for scholarships for online MLIS courses they plan to take during Spring 2011 at the San Jose School of Library and Information Science.  Prospective students who plan to apply for admission to the School’s MLIS program for the Spring 2011 semester are eligible for Circle of Learning scholarships, as well as current students.

The deadline to apply for Circle of Learning scholarships that can be used during the Spring 2011 semester is September 3, 2010.

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A Day for Friends

We have just received word that the Day for Friends has been canceled. Friends are instead invited to attend The Vermont Library Trustee Association Annual Conference on Saturday,November 6, at Vermont Technical College in Randolph. This year’s keynote speaker is Sally Gardner Reed, Director of the Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations (ALTAFF). Registration information will be available soon.

Jane Austen in Vermont September Gathering

Hello all in Vermont Library land,

I append below the flyer for the next JASNA-Vermont Gathering on September 26.  This year we will be part of the Burlington Book Festival, and hosted by Champlain College.  If anyone wants a proper flyer [with the graphics not seen below] to post in your Library, please email me directly and I will send you a pdf file.

And of course, come if you can!

Best regards,

Deb Barnum at Bygone Books
Bygone Books
PO Box 5034
Burlington VT 05402

Jane Austen Society of North America

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Tools to Support Teaching and Outreach: A Mix of the New and the Tried-and-True

This year’s conference will showcase practical applications of new tools – and innovative uses of tried-and-true tools – that support learning, outreach, or reference.

Date: Friday, October 15, 2010
Location: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Registration fee: $80 (includes Continental Breakfast and Lunch)

Please register early to avoid disappointment; attendance is capped at 120.

To register or for more information, please visit the conference web site at <>.

If you have a question about registration, please call Erin Branch at (603) 650-1661 or email her at .

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Library Support Staff Certification Funding Available

The Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) Program is a national, voluntary certification program administered by the American Library Association-Allied Profession Association (ALA-APA). The LSSC Program is partially funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

The Library Support Staff Certification Program is now accepting applications for 55 subsidies of $200 from LSSC Candidates to enroll in and complete LSSC-approved courses. Candidates who receive a subsidy award will receive a $200 reimbursement after they pay for, and complete, an LSSC-approved course.

To apply for a subsidy, candidates must be accepted in the LSSC Program by September 15, 2010.  Subsidy recipients must successfully complete one of LSSC’s Approved Courses by April 1, 2011.

Application information is available on the LSSC For Candidates page. Candidates must apply for the subsidy by September 15. The LSSC Program staff will select recipients using a random selection process and announce subsidy awards on September 27.

For more information, please contact LSSC Program staff.(

VLA Membership Survey

The Vermont Library Association leadership would like your feedback. Please click on the link to reply to our 5 question survey. Membership Survey

The survey will close on September 17th so please fill it out if you haven’t yet!

Banned Book Week Poster

Each year ALA sponsors Banned Books Week to highlight our 1st Amendment right to read.

In the past two years the education committee of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Vermont chapter (on which I serve) has offered free ALA posters to 21 school, public and college libraries in order to help them use this week to draw attention to the dangers of censorship.

We have money to do this again this year.

The first ten libraries to email response to this post will receive the ALA Banned Book Week poster offered this year by ALA and shown in the ALA graphics catalog (p. 6) that was recently mailed.  The 2010 poster measures 24” by 32” and retails for $16.00.

See the 2010 poster at

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ALCTS Webinar: Introduction to RDA

Description: This introductory webinar on the proposed cataloging rules, Resource Description and Access (RDA), will highlight the critical differences between the current cataloging rules, AACR2, and RDA. It is designed as a primer for both front line catalogers and library administrators in all types of libraries who need to learn how bibliographic and authority records will change when RDA is implemented. The session would be an excellent introduction to record changes for both original catalogers and copy catalogers.

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Building Communities Grant Program – 4 Grants Available

The Building Communities Grants Programs consist of five grant programs established and funded by the Vermont Legislature to “help communities preserve important historic buildings and enhance community facilities”. All of these grant programs, with the exception of the Barn Grants, require that the applicant be a non-profit organization or municipality. The deadlines for all five occur in the fall, and selections are made by individual boards through an established selection process. All grants require a match; matching funds from local fundraising efforts are encouraged. The grants of interest to public libraries:

Historic Preservation Grant Program

Cultural Facilities Grant Program

Recreational Facilities Grant Program

Human Services & Educational Facilities Grant Program