New York Technical Services Librarians
Spring Meeting & Program
Communities of Interest : A New Model for Institutional Repositories
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Online registration is still open:
Registration deadline: Friday, May 14, 2010.
SPEAKER: Kate Wittenberg
As Project Director, Client and Partnership Development at Ithaka, Kate focuses on building partnerships among scholars, publishers, libraries, technology providers, and societies with an interest in promoting the development of digital scholarship and building and sustaining innovative initiatives. Before coming to Ithaka, Kate was the Director of EPIC (the Electronic Publishing Initiative at
Columbia) a pioneering initiative in digital publishing, and a model partnership for libraries, presses, and academic IT departments. Some of the ventures produced by EPIC include CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online), Gutenberg-E (a reinvention of the monograph as an electronic work), and Jazz Studies Online.