C&SL event: Instruction Update

Announcing an event sponsored by VLA’s College & Special Libraries Section:

Instruction Update

(printable announcement)

Friday, June 4th, 10:00-3:00
(Coffee, etc., 9:30-10:00)
Castleton State College, Castleton, Vermont

  • An opportunity to gather with fellow Vermont instruction librarians and share our experiences with new tools, developments and trends
  • Featuring brief presentations on developments in instruction at various academic libraries, and time for discussion and questions
  • An opportunity to reflect on the academic year behind us, and consider some new ideas for the future

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NELA Annual Conference 2010

The New England Library Association is accepting registrations for their annual conference!

Outside the Box: Results, Support, Sustainability
Boxborough, MA – October 17-19, 2010

Those who paid to attend NELA 2009 may take a 50% discount!

Those who attended a spring program for NETSL, NERTCL, or ITS: you may take a $5 discount!

For programs, mail-in registration, exhibitor & hotel information, visit the conference website at: http://www.nelib.org/conference/2010/

NHLA Annual Conference May 13-14

The New Hampshire Library Association welcomes librarians from libraries of all types and sizes in New Hampshire and surrounding areas to the 2010 Annual Spring Conference on May 13th and 14th in Bartlett, NH at the Attitash Grand Summit Hotel and Conference Center.

Each day offers attendees a variety of programs, such as children’s literature, new techologies, information literacy, and legal resources. See the Program pages for a complete listing. Attendees are also invited to join various interest, group, and committee roundtables for networking and discussion with like minded librarians and information professionals.

Emerson Greenaway Award Nominations

To recognize his outstanding achievements, the New England Library Association (NELA) in 1988 honored Emerson Greenaway, an innovator in library organization and practice in the mid-twentieth century, with the “Great Librarian Award.” Two years later this regional honor was renamed the Emerson Greenaway Award and the award is offered annually by NELA to recognize exceptional librarians.

Do you know a Great Librarian who deserves recognition? If so, please tell us about this person! Nominations are now being accepted for the 2010 Emerson Greenaway Award to recognize individuals who have had a “demonstrated impact on the library field in the New England region.”

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NAHSL Conference: “Libraries in Balance” to be held October 24-26 in Newport RI


The North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries (NAHSL) is holding its 52nd annual conference at the Newport (RI) Marriott October 24th-26th, 2010. This year’s theme is Libraries in Balance: Preserving Our Roots, Growing Our Future. The list of speakers include Lee Rainie of the Pew Research Internet and American Life Project and Dr. John Halamka, Chief Information Officer at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the Harvard Medical School, and the 2010 Joseph Leiter Lecturer http://connections.mlanet.org/. This 2 ½ day conference will include breakout sessions, state meetings, exhibitors and CE classes in addition to the 4 plenary speakers. For more information view the conference website at www.nahsl.org/2010/. The website is under construction so “pardon our dust” and visit us often.

Thank you,
The NAHSL 2010 Conference Planning Committee

NAHSL Conference: "Libraries in Balance" to be held October 24-26 in Newport RI

The North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries (NAHSL) is holding its 52nd annual conference at the Newport (RI) Marriott October 24th-26th, 2010. This year’s theme is Libraries in Balance: Preserving Our Roots, Growing Our Future. The list of speakers include Lee Rainie of the Pew Research Internet and American Life Project and Dr. John Halamka, Chief Information Officer at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the Harvard Medical School, and the 2010 Joseph Leiter Lecturer http://connections.mlanet.org/. This 2 ½ day conference will include breakout sessions, state meetings, exhibitors and CE classes in addition to the 4 plenary speakers. For more information view the conference website at www.nahsl.org/2010/. The website is under construction so “pardon our dust” and visit us often.
Thank you,
The NAHSL 2010 Conference Planning Committee

Call for Tech Posters for NELA Annual Conference

The Information Technology Section is sponsoring a Tech Topics poster
session at the NELA annual conference October 17-19. If you have a
great project and would like to be one of a dozen or so presenters,
please get back to me with your poster topic.

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