Emerson Greenaway Award Nominations

To recognize his outstanding achievements, the New England Library Association (NELA) in 1988 honored Emerson Greenaway, an innovator in library organization and practice in the mid-twentieth century, with the “Great Librarian Award.” Two years later this regional honor was renamed the Emerson Greenaway Award and the award is offered annually by NELA to recognize exceptional librarians.

Do you know a Great Librarian who deserves recognition? If so, please tell us about this person! Nominations are now being accepted for the 2010 Emerson Greenaway Award to recognize individuals who have had a “demonstrated impact on the library field in the New England region.”

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NAHSL Conference: “Libraries in Balance” to be held October 24-26 in Newport RI


The North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries (NAHSL) is holding its 52nd annual conference at the Newport (RI) Marriott October 24th-26th, 2010. This year’s theme is Libraries in Balance: Preserving Our Roots, Growing Our Future. The list of speakers include Lee Rainie of the Pew Research Internet and American Life Project and Dr. John Halamka, Chief Information Officer at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the Harvard Medical School, and the 2010 Joseph Leiter Lecturer http://connections.mlanet.org/. This 2 ½ day conference will include breakout sessions, state meetings, exhibitors and CE classes in addition to the 4 plenary speakers. For more information view the conference website at www.nahsl.org/2010/. The website is under construction so “pardon our dust” and visit us often.

Thank you,
The NAHSL 2010 Conference Planning Committee

NAHSL Conference: "Libraries in Balance" to be held October 24-26 in Newport RI

The North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries (NAHSL) is holding its 52nd annual conference at the Newport (RI) Marriott October 24th-26th, 2010. This year’s theme is Libraries in Balance: Preserving Our Roots, Growing Our Future. The list of speakers include Lee Rainie of the Pew Research Internet and American Life Project and Dr. John Halamka, Chief Information Officer at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the Harvard Medical School, and the 2010 Joseph Leiter Lecturer http://connections.mlanet.org/. This 2 ½ day conference will include breakout sessions, state meetings, exhibitors and CE classes in addition to the 4 plenary speakers. For more information view the conference website at www.nahsl.org/2010/. The website is under construction so “pardon our dust” and visit us often.
Thank you,
The NAHSL 2010 Conference Planning Committee

Call for Tech Posters for NELA Annual Conference

The Information Technology Section is sponsoring a Tech Topics poster
session at the NELA annual conference October 17-19. If you have a
great project and would like to be one of a dozen or so presenters,
please get back to me with your poster topic.

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The first-ever Choose Privacy Week May 2-8, 2010.

I am very excited to announce the first ever “Choose Privacy Week” to be held May 2-8, 2010.   Choose Privacy Week is a new initiative started American Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee (ALAIFC) and Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) to spark a national conversation about privacy.    Libraries are the natural centers for learning and talking about information issues so  they are the perfect place to invite users join the conversation about privacy rights a digital age.

ALA has developed a variety of resources to help libraries reach out to their communities.    The campaign gives libraries the tools they need to educate and engage users, and gives citizens the resources to think critically and make more informed choices about their privacy.  I hope you take time to explore the website www.privacyrevolution.org to learn more about what your library can do to spark thought and discussion around privacy issues today.  Whether you are considering creating a display, sponsoring a contest, hosting a program or workshop, or moderating a community dialogue about privacy, there are tools that can help.  

Help us spread the word about the importance of choosing privacy.  

Gail Weymouth

VLAIFC, chair

LYRASIS Opens Nominations for Two Awards

Atlanta, GA, April 1, 2010 – LYRASIS, the nation’s largest regional membership organization serving libraries and information professionals, announces that nominations are now open for two awards.

The LYRASIS 2010 Excellence Award will honor one individual who has made a significant and exceptional contribution in areas central to LYRASIS’ vision of strengthening libraries through collaboration, creative solutions, and leadership for libraries. The 2010 Award includes a $2500 award and a one-year free membership to LYRASIS for the recipient’s institution.

The LYRASIS 2010 NextGen Librarian Award will honor three librarians new to the library profession who demonstrate an innovative and fresh approach to the profession and are leaders in our rapidly changing world. They will receive an honorarium to cover registration and hotel accommodations to a library conference of their choice.

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IMLS Encourages Participation in America: The Story of Us Contests

The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), together with HISTORYTM and the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, invites libraries and students across the United States to flex their creative muscles and share their passion for American history by participating in HISTORYTM’s America: The Story of Us contests.  For libraries, the contest entails creating a special exhibit or media project about American history that will strengthen their communities’ interest in American history.  Students are asked to create a short video based on any topic related to American history and are encouraged to use the resources of local libraries, historical societies, and archives for information on their own local history or on the American history topic that interests them most.

These contests are exciting opportunities to promote learning about American history and explore our nation’s diverse heritage. IMLS is delighted that HISTORYTM is reaching out to the nation’s libraries to encourage a community dialogue about America’s past.

For more information and to see the flyers about each contest go to http://www.history.com/shows/classroom/articles/classroom-whats-new. Look for the Library Outreach Contest and the Student Video Contest .