The Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) is seeking applicants to participate in its Preservation Needs Assessment Program. Through funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), CCAHA is able to offer a limited number of subsidized preservation needs assessments for $350. The funding also covers the assessor’s travel expenses.
2009-2010 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Survey
The 2009-2010 Public Library Funding & Technology Access survey (available for completion at conducted by the American Library Association (ALA – and the Center for Library & Information Innovation at the University of Maryland ( closes Friday, November 6, 2009.
2009-2010 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Survey
The 2009-2010 Public Library Funding & Technology Access survey (available for completion at conducted by the American Library Association (ALA – and the Center for Library & Information Innovation at the University of Maryland ( closes Friday, November 6, 2009.
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Registration for PLA’s 13th National Conference is Now Open
Registration for PLA 2010, the 13th National Conference of the Public Library Association (PLA), is now open. To register and request housing for PLA 2010, or to download registration and housing forms, visit A special early bird rate is available for PLA members and members of the Oregon Library Association who register by Dec. 16, 2009. All other advance registrations must be received by Feb. 19, 2010.
Registration for PLA's 13th National Conference is Now Open
Registration for PLA 2010, the 13th National Conference of the Public Library Association (PLA), is now open. To register and request housing for PLA 2010, or to download registration and housing forms, visit A special early bird rate is available for PLA members and members of the Oregon Library Association who register by Dec. 16, 2009. All other advance registrations must be received by Feb. 19, 2010.
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Fiction Set in Vermont, Volume 3 now available!
The new publication of Fiction Set in Vermont 3, compiled and written by Ann McKinstry Micou. This resource joins Ann’s earlier two volumes, providing annotated and indexed listings of fiction set in our state. Because Ann has personally read every book that she lists, her annotations are especially rich and will delight readers across the state. Whether you give it to patrons for browsing, use it as a Readers’ Advisory tool, or use it to create your own personal reading lists, I encourage librarians to purchase a copy for library collections. The Vermont Department of Libraries has been a proud sponsor of all three volumes.
VPR Story on Patriot Act
This morning Vermont Public Radio ran a story on the reauthorization of the Patriot Act, including the VLA Board’s resolution in support of Senator Leahy’s original markup of the bill and subsequent changes in the Judiciary Committee. While the story provided good coverage of the issues, it incorrectly stated that the Board had withdrawn its support for Senator Leahy’s version of the bill. Earlier today I sent the following message to VPR, and they assure me this will be corrected in later broadcasts and online:
Public library staff pay
As public libraries enter the budget writing season, the Personnel Committee of the Vermont Library Association urges library directors to take a hard look at staff salaries. Here are some points to keep in mind:
* Qualified library directors should be paid at least $40,300 annually, or $19.38 per hour, as recommended by the Vermont Library Association Executive Board.
* If the library does not pay for medical insurance, offer compensatory leave or a lump sum payment instead.
* At a minimum, increase staff wages by the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) as set by the Social Security Administration annually in October. There will be no increase to social security payments in 2010. However, now is a good time to “catch up” if you have missed COLA in previous years.
* Consider whether your library has experienced increased usage this year. More visits, more items borrowed, more usage of resources, more programs — all mean more work for the staff. Even if job descriptions haven’t expanded, the workload may have.
Check the attached budget memo for more details. Share the information with library trustees as you build the annual budget. To study appropriate compensation, view the Personnel Committee’s 2009 revision of “Increasing Public Library Compensation: A How-To Guide for Vermont Libraries” at
For further information about or assistance with the above or any other personnel questions, please contact the committee chair:
Rubi Simon
Burnham Memorial Library
898 Main Street (Rte. 2A)
Colchester, VT 05446
UVM Libraries in the news!
Bailey-Howe Library Special Collections has an outstanding display of handwritten books:
UVM Library Exhibits Handwritten Books (Burlington Free Press)
Open Letter from Senator Leahy on Patriot Act
Senator Patrick Leahy has sent an open letter on the reauthorization of the Patriot Act to the Vermont library community on the occasion of the Vermont Library Trustee Association annual meeting.