VLA Resolution Included in Official Record Of Senate Judiciary Committee.

Senator Patrick Leahy entered the VLA’s Resolution on the 2009 Reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act into the official record  during the September 23, 2009 hearings of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on the reauthorizations of the sections scheduled to sunset December 31, 2009.  Following questioning by Senator Franken of Inspector General Fine  about the temptation to use national secuirty letters insead of  going to the FISA Court for Section 215 orders, Senator Leahy submitted the VLA resolution and two other supporting documents that raised the same concerns referring to Inspector Fine’ s documented  example in his  March 2008 report on National Security Letters. 

All 177 + minutes are available for continued viewing via  Webcast  available http://judiciary.senate.gov/hearings/hearing.cfm?id=4062.

VLA Board adopts Resolution on 2009 Patriot Act Resolution

On September 15th, the  VLA Board Meeting unanimously and enthusiastically adopted a Resolution on the 2009 Reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act.the following resolution. Unlike a resolution passed by ALA Council in July 2009, VLA’s resolution goes beyond Section 215 and address grave concerns raised by the use and abuse of Section 505, National Security Letters.

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NELA 2009 – Register Now to Get Early Bird Discounts!


It’s time to register for the New England Library Association Annual Conference in Hartford, CT on October 18 – 20, 2009.

Why? Just take a look at the great program lineup at www.nelib.org/conference to see the details on this dynamic educational event and networking opportunity.

Why now? Both the Early Bird registration discount and the special NELA rate at the Marriott hotel are good until October 9. Take advantage of the savings by registering now.


NELINET (soon to be LYRASIS) IT Conference – Open Source in Your Library

Don’t miss the NELINET (soon to be LYRASIS) IT Conference

Open Source in Your Library
October 9th, 2009 – Olin College, Needham, MA

Hello All!

I am so excited to be joining the library community at such a pivotal time in the history of library technology management. As an early adopter of open source solutions, I sometimes take for granted the great advantages of sharing knowledge resources. Now, being at the junction of two worlds of information science – both as it relates to computer science and to library science, my role as Open Source Guy is a dream come true.

Dare to dream…

  • What if you could have a truly cost-effective, scalable, customizable ILS solution that takes advantage of the cooperative power of open source?
  • What if you could get total control of your website content and engage your patrons interactively?

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Vermont Historical Society Annual Meeting and Conference

“Vermont in the 21st Century: How We Got Here”

Keynote Speaker: Frank Bryan
Panelists: Chris Graff, John McClaughry, Jill Mudgett
Filmmaker: Rick Moulton

Is Vermont an exceptional place?

If so, what are the historical roots of our state’s distinct nature? Come explore these and other issues with others interested in our state and its history. This is a change to the format of the Vermont Historical Society annual meeting: a sale of postcards and other ephemera will begin the day, followed by a brief annual meeting, then a thought-provoking conference will fill the rest of the morning and early afternoon.

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Vermont Library Trustee Association Annual Conference

The VLTA Annual Conference, scheduled for October 17, at Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier, VT.

“Please make sure that each of your trustees gets a copy of this flyer and encourage them to attend this event. This year the conference will challenge trustees to think about the future of libraries, and will introduce them (or re-introduce, in some cases) to current social networking and technology tools. Keynote speaker Stephen Spohn of NELINET will make a presentation on trends in technology, education and libraries and will explore what the future holds for us. ”
Martha Reid, Vermont State Librarian

To register for the conference please go to:

Good Ideas!

The Vermont Department of Libraries is launching Good Ideas, http://vtgoodideas.wordpress.com. The website will include examples of programs, manuals, forms and fundraisers used by Vermont public libraries. Check it out—and please contact me if you have material to share.

Amy Howlett
VT Department of Libraries

To all librarians who select children’s and/or YA books for their libraries: Materials Review Sessions!

If you select children’s or young adult books for your school or public library, come preview the books first before you spend your money. DOL’s Materials Review Sessions feature oral reviews of approximately 75 titles and the opportunity to examine hundreds of other books recommended either by our volunteer reviewers or by the review media. All have reviews inserted in them to help you with purchase decisions.

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“Staff Development on a Shoestring” Conference Registration Open

“Staff Development on a Shoestring”

Libraries are feeling the pinch of the economic downturn and fewer of us have resources to attend national meetings. We’re also grappling with the changing roles of libraries and library staff as technologies develop and our users’ needs evolve. This year’s October Conference will explore innovative, affordable staff development initiatives.

Date: Friday, October 9, 2009
Location: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Registration fee: $80 (includes Continental Breakfast and Lunch)

Please register early to avoid disappointment; attendance is capped at 120.

To register or for more information, please visit the Conference web site at <http://www.dartmouth.edu/~biomed/services.htmld/OctCon2009/>.

If you have a question about registration, please call Erin Branch at (603) 650-1661 or email her at erin.branch@dartmouth.edu.

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"Staff Development on a Shoestring" Conference Registration Open

“Staff Development on a Shoestring”
Libraries are feeling the pinch of the economic downturn and fewer of us have resources to attend national meetings. We’re also grappling with the changing roles of libraries and library staff as technologies develop and our users’ needs evolve. This year’s October Conference will explore innovative, affordable staff development initiatives.
Date: Friday, October 9, 2009
Location: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Registration fee: $80 (includes Continental Breakfast and Lunch)
Please register early to avoid disappointment; attendance is capped at 120.
To register or for more information, please visit the Conference web site at <http://www.dartmouth.edu/~biomed/services.htmld/OctCon2009/>.
If you have a question about registration, please call Erin Branch at (603) 650-1661 or email her at erin.branch@dartmouth.edu.
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