To: The Vermont Library Community
From: Martha Reid, State Librarian
Date: March 17, 2009
Subject: Workforce Reduction at the Department of Libraries
The Department of Libraries has received calls and emails from many of you concerning state budget cuts. I hope this memo will help answer some of your questions and concerns:
Last Wednesday Secretary of Administration Neale F. Lunderville was joined by Agriculture Secretary Roger Allbee, Human Services Secretary Rob Hofmann, and Natural Resources Secretary Jonathan Wood at a press briefing to discuss state workforce reduction proposals and the Administration’s counter offer to the Vermont State Employees Association (VSEA.) As you know, the proposed position cuts are spread across state government and will have serious effects on services to Vermont citizens. The total workforce reduction plan for the Department of Libraries includes the loss of 4 positions: 3 positions proposed for FY10 and 1 position in FY09.
Please note: this is not an announcement of regional library closings.