If you, your staff, your trustees and friends have not yet done so, please consider joining us for the Fall session of Turning the Page 2.0, the 6-week free online course in advocacy from the Public Library Association and supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation who know the importance of these skills. Many Vermont librarians and trustees have taken this course and used what they learned to help their library.
Whether you have a capital campaign starting up, want to prepare each year for Town Meeting, hope to add staff or programming, or simply want to get a well-focused and well-honed message out to your community with a strong, coordinated voice, this training is tremendous.
Meanwhile, registration is OPEN at: http://www.ala.org/pla/education/turningthepage and closes September 12.
And please register with me to join us in-person or online on September 12 in Berlin, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. You can write (christine.friese@state.vt.us) or phone me (802-828-2714) to register or to ask questions.
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