Proposals for ACRL 14th National Conference

Contributed papers, panel sessions, preconferences, and workshops are due May 12, 2008. The ACRL 14th National Conference, to be held in Seattle, March 12-15, 2009, will offer a forum for an exciting and energizing exchange of ideas on research, practices, developments, and visions in the field of academic and research librarianship. The conference theme, “Pushing the Edge: Explore, Engage, Extend,” reflects the promise and the challenge of the Northwest. The ACRL National Conference Executive Committee invites submitters to send their edgiest, most “out-there” proposals, to help make ACRL 2009 a truly groundbreaking conference.

Proposals are sought for a variety of formats including contributed papers, panel sessions, preconferences, workshops, poster sessions, and roundtable discussions. Deadlines for proposal submissions are as follows:

May 12, 2008 – Contributed papers, panel sessions, preconferences, and workshops

  • October 20, 2008 – Poster sessions
  • November 23, 2008 – Roundtable discussions

Full text of the Call for Participation is available online at (Click “Proposals”). Proposals must be submitted via the online proposal form, available at Complete details about the conference are online at Questions about the call for presentation and the 14th ACRL National Conference should be directed to Margot Conahan at, or by phone at 312-280-2522.

Surveying your Preservation Needs

The Vermont Department of Libraries is pleased to offer a full-day (9:30-3:00) workshop, conducted by a preservation professional from the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC), designed to help libraries identify, assess, prioritize, and address their preservation needs. It will be offered in four locations around the state. To register, click on the link below. You will find a full description of the workshop below the registration links. Please pass this along to your colleagues who may be interested. Please contact Mara Siegel (828-3261) if you have any questions.

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ACRL New England Chapter Annual Conference

ACRL New England Chapter Annual Conference
Media and Popular Culture: Effects on Academic Libraries
University of Connecticut, Bishop Center, Storrs, CT
Friday, April 18, 2008

Registration is now open for the ACRL New England Chapter Annual Conference. This year’s conference will explore how libraries are adapting to the interactions of popular culture, new media technologies, and scholarly pursuits in higher education. Please join us to examine the library’s role in a landscape of Web 2.0 and open access publishing and to consider how we can develop relevant service models in this environment.

Visit the conference web site to register:

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Author T.A. Barron’s Prize for Young Heroes

Author T.A. Barron¹s Prize for Young Heroes is happy to share the following information:

The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes seeks nominations for its 2008 awards. The Barron Prize honors young people ages 8 to 18 who have made a significant positive difference to people and our planet. Each year, ten winners across the U.S. and Canada each receive $2,000 to support their service work or higher education. Nomination deadline is April 30. For more information and to nominate, visit Additionally, the Barron Prize is excited to offer librarians a comprehensive set of heroes materials, including a brand new documentary film, Dream Big, and a corresponding Young Heroes Activity Guide. For more information, visit

Author T.A. Barron's Prize for Young Heroes

Author T.A. Barron¹s Prize for Young Heroes is happy to share the following information:
The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes seeks nominations for its 2008 awards. The Barron Prize honors young people ages 8 to 18 who have made a significant positive difference to people and our planet. Each year, ten winners across the U.S. and Canada each receive $2,000 to support their service work or higher education. Nomination deadline is April 30. For more information and to nominate, visit Additionally, the Barron Prize is excited to offer librarians a comprehensive set of heroes materials, including a brand new documentary film, Dream Big, and a corresponding Young Heroes Activity Guide. For more information, visit

POSTPONED: Advocacy Committee Meeting

Hi All,

Due to unexpected scheduling conflicts for many of the members, we’ve decided to postpone our meeting. If you are interested in attending the next meeting, please let me know and we can work with you on best scheduling times.

Helen Linda
celestihel [at] gmail [dot] com