From Resource Shelf:
President Obama today released his FY2011 Budget Proposal to Congress, calling for a freeze to federal library funding under the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), the primary source of federal funding for libraries.
News of interest to the Vermont library community
From Resource Shelf:
President Obama today released his FY2011 Budget Proposal to Congress, calling for a freeze to federal library funding under the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), the primary source of federal funding for libraries.
Forwarded message from Danielle Mincio, Member of IFLA Governing Board on the status of Haitian libraries.
Dear Colleagues,
The National library is not collapsed but strongly damaged. Patrimonial architects are going to examine the state of the building to know it will be possible to intervene. The analysis of the cultural buildings are analysed after those absolutely essential (hospital, etc.)
Seeking Submissions from Practicing Librarians for two books.
(post received from Ted Albers)
I am Ted Albers, a Community Relations officer with the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) in Burlington Vermont. USCIS is the immigration-benefit and service branch of the Federal Government.
You may be aware of some of the hard-copy and online resources that
USCIS produces for immigrants who are preparing for the citizenship test. These materials are helpful to ESL and Civics educators as well. These resources are detailed on the websites below.
For libraries, the “Citizenship Toolkit” is probably the most useful. It is free if a library or non-profit organization registers for it online ($73 if purchased through the Government Printing Office).
Even if a library does not serve many immigrants, the Toolkit is helpful
for social-service providers, students and others as it helps in understanding the legal immigration and citizenship process and requirements.
Read more
(post received from Ted Albers)
I am Ted Albers, a Community Relations officer with the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) in Burlington Vermont. USCIS is the immigration-benefit and service branch of the Federal Government.
You may be aware of some of the hard-copy and online resources that
USCIS produces for immigrants who are preparing for the citizenship test. These materials are helpful to ESL and Civics educators as well. These resources are detailed on the websites below.
For libraries, the “Citizenship Toolkit” is probably the most useful. It is free if a library or non-profit organization registers for it online ($73 if purchased through the Government Printing Office).
Even if a library does not serve many immigrants, the Toolkit is helpful
for social-service providers, students and others as it helps in understanding the legal immigration and citizenship process and requirements.
Read more
For Immediate Release:
December 29, 2009
Contact: Dennise R. Casey
(802) 828-3333
Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Jim Douglas today announced that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has established a critical grant partnership with the Vermont Department of Libraries and the Vermont Telecommunications Authority (VTA) to help public libraries compete for federal broadband stimulus funds made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. VTA, in collaboration with the Department of Libraries, plans to submit an application to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) in early 2010.
From: Ted Albers, a community relations officer with the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) in South Burlington. USCIS is the immigration-benefit and services arm of the Federal Government.
You may or may not be aware of some of the hard-copy and online resources that USCIS produces for immigrants who are preparing for the citizenship test. These materials are helpful to ESL and Civics educators as well. These resources are detailed on the websites below.
For libraries, the “Citizenship Toolkit” is probably the most useful for a library, and is a free resource if you register online (it costs $73 if purchased through the Government Printing Office). Even if a library does not serve immigrants, the Toolkit is helpful to social-service providers, students and others for understanding the legal immigration process.
To learn about the contents of the Toolkit, and to register, please visit this website:
Find the online civics and citizenship toolkit here:
Find individual study materials for the Citizenship test (the ‘New test’) here. Most of these materials are in the Toolkit.
A “Welcome to the US” guide in many languages is available here.
A host of other relevant resources are here:
For libraries that are in a position to purchase civics and English language materials:
ALA “American Dream” Resources are here:
You can request a 1MB PDF file of a handbook Expanding ESL, Civics and Citizenship Education in Your Community by emailing me a
Ted Albers, USCIS Community Relations, Northeast Regional Office, South Burlington, VT
802-660-5007 Desk
Mark your calendars for the NETSL Annual Spring Conference Program 2010: Crosswalks to the Future
When: Thursday, April 15, 2010
Where: College of Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Created for the College & Special Libraries Section of the Vermont Library Association, VTCSL is a forum for announcements and discussion of topics relevant to academic and special libraries in Vermont. It is open to anyone interested.
How to subscribe:
Happy Holidays!
Charlotte Gerstein
VLA College & Special Libraries Section President
The Vermont Library Association (VLA) invites you to join or renew your membership in our organization in 2010. Your membership is vital to the well-being of libraries in Vermont, and to your own professional development. VLA is over 350 members strong, and every new or renewed membership means we can accomplish more for Vermont libraries.
By the way, we ARE having the 116th VLA Conference in 2010 !! It will be a one-day event on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 in Colchester, VT at St. Michael’s College. Registration is limited. Details will be forthcoming.
As you may know, we support continuing education programs, workshops, and lectures throughout the year, and inform members about these opportunities for growth. We research salary guidelines and provide information to librarians, trustees, and employers. In addition, VLA officers represent our members on the American Library Association Council and the New England Library Association Board. VLA also keeps a keen eye on national issues that affect libraries.