Library Snapshot Day (Any Day April 10 – 16)

Taking place during National Library Week (April 10 – 16), Library Snapshot Day is a great way of documenting all the vital services libraries provide to the citizens of Vermont. For more information, please visit:
The more libraries we have participating, the better our final statistics will be!  So be sure to join us for this exciting initiative!  We look forward to getting a vision of Vermont libraries!

Librarian Relief Fund – Now Accepting Applications

The Vermont Library Association is now accepting applications for the Librarian Relief Fund. The deadline to apply is February 15th, 2012. Please contact VLA President Joe Farara with any questions,

Librarian Relief Fund Application (PDF)
Librarian Relief Fund Application (DOC)

The Vermont Library Association Librarian Relief Fund assists librarians who suffered personal property damages as a result of Hurricane Irene.  Many of our colleagues need support beyond what is offered them by governmental agencies, so please donate generously to their cause.

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State Librarian “Tour” Visit Rescheduled in Rockingham

January 23, 1-3 p.m. (SNOW DATE: January 30, 1-3 p.m.)
Rockingham Free Library, Bellows Falls:

State Librarian Martha Reid will be at the Rockingham Free Public Library on January 23 to talk about current projects and activities at the Department of Libraries and to get feedback from the greater Vermont library community. Previous sessions have been great, with lots of good discussion. All are welcome –librarians/library staff, library trustees, and local officials — to attend this informal session. There will be plenty of time for Q&A, so bring your questions and comments.

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State Librarian "Tour" Visit Rescheduled in Rockingham

January 23, 1-3 p.m. (SNOW DATE: January 30, 1-3 p.m.)
Rockingham Free Library, Bellows Falls:
State Librarian Martha Reid will be at the Rockingham Free Public Library on January 23 to talk about current projects and activities at the Department of Libraries and to get feedback from the greater Vermont library community. Previous sessions have been great, with lots of good discussion. All are welcome –librarians/library staff, library trustees, and local officials — to attend this informal session. There will be plenty of time for Q&A, so bring your questions and comments.
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Enter a Book Cart Drill Team in the Vermont Library Conference This Year!

There something new at the Vermont Library Conference in 2012….drumroll please….a Book Cart Drill Team Competition! Libraries interested in sponsoring a team should contact Jane Napier at for the full list of rules and regulations. Not everyone on your team has to be a librarian! Teams must “register” by March 1. Teams will be made up of 4 people and their routine must be set to music not lasting more than 4 minutes. Bookcarts will be provided. The competition starts at 5pm and will be held on campus at St. Michaels. So plan to stay for the fun!

Vermont Libraries Calendars Now Available

The Vermont Library Association is pleased to offer a 2012 wall calendar featuring one glorious Vermont library per county for a total of fourteen months. You can spend a beautiful year getting to know Vermont’s public libraries and help support them. Each month provides a window into the history and personality of each library with great pictures, interesting stories and bits of statistics. The 12 x 22 inch format affords plenty of space for writing appointments and includes all major holidays and moon phases. Best of all profits from the sale of each calendar stays with the libraries to support their services. This calendar will make gifts during the great holiday season! The pre-order deadline is September 8, for delivery at the end of October. Contact your local library to pre-order or determine whether they will have stock available for sale in November. For more information, go to

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