Outreach Coordinator Meet & Greet

Hello Fellow Outreach Coordinators,

I am the Outreach Coordinator at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library.  I’ve been thinking for quite a while that I’d love the opportunity to gather with other Outreach folks to find out how other libraries provide outreach and also to exchange ideas.  I am taking a page from the book of our children’s librarian, Jane Napier.  She coordinates a state-wide meeting of children’s librarians twice a year.  I am proposing to meet on Tuesday, October  9th, here at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library in Montpelier from 10 – 12:30.  We could continue the discussion over lunch at one of Montpelier’s fine eateries.

Please let me know if you can attend by September 28th.  My email is: khloutreach@kellogghubbard.org  or phone – 223.4665

Looking forward to meeting and exchanging ideas!

All the best,
Rachael Grossman

Outreach Coordinator Meet & Greet

Hello Fellow Outreach Coordinators,
I am the Outreach Coordinator at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library.  I’ve been thinking for quite a while that I’d love the opportunity to gather with other Outreach folks to find out how other libraries provide outreach and also to exchange ideas.  I am taking a page from the book of our children’s librarian, Jane Napier.  She coordinates a state-wide meeting of children’s librarians twice a year.  I am proposing to meet on Tuesday, October  9th, here at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library in Montpelier from 10 – 12:30.  We could continue the discussion over lunch at one of Montpelier’s fine eateries.
Please let me know if you can attend by September 28th.  My email is: khloutreach@kellogghubbard.org  or phone – 223.4665

Looking forward to meeting and exchanging ideas!
All the best,
Rachael Grossman

Survey of Vermont Public Libraries concerning Legal Reference Questions

The Department of Libraries in concert with the Vermont Judiciary would like to collect information about the amount, and types of legal reference questions that your patrons pose to you. These questions might require reference to Federal or State constitutions or statutes, Federal or State regulations, or Federal or State case law. They might involve Federal or State court systems, Town ordinances or government. In addition, these are questions that might ultimately be referred to a lawyer, or that do, or might, require involvement by the patron with a governmental entity, such as the IRS, the Social Security Administration, or a zoning board.

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New Graded Booklists

My fabulous advisory committee (Cheryl Cox, Kathy Dulac, Amy McMullen, Hannah Peacock, Julie Pickett, Chris Poggi and Nancy Rumery) have updated the graded booklists we have on our website, from Kindergarten through Young Adult. Print them out, and hand them out to your patrons to make their selections just a bit easier.

They are on this page under “Graded booklists.” http://libraries.vermont.gov/libraries/cbec/resources


Turning the Page 2.0

Turning the Page 2.0 is a unique opportunity for free, in-depth, interactive, online education in public library advocacy. Register for this six week course and get one-on-one attention from professional facilitators as you build a customized Advocacy Work Plan for your library.

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Vermont State Parks Pass and Oh Ranger! App

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources just announced a free Vermont State Parks App:


As Parks Passes start to go out, this would be a wonderful thing to promote with the passes for library members with smart phones and tablets.

It might even be a great time to promote certain apps that have to do with the great outdoors, like the Audubon Guide Apps, which are a little pricy but I use them all the time myself and that purchase supports local business (Green Mountain Digital).


What are your favorite reference apps that you tell patrons about?

Vermont Digital Collections Survey

Dear Vermont Librarians,

I am a student at Southern Connecticut State University and a staff member at the Brooks Memorial Library in Brattleboro, Vermont who is completing a research project for a Masters of Information and Library Science degree.

My thesis is titled “CREATING DIGITAL COLLECTIONS IN VERMONT’S PUBLIC LIBRARIES” and it investigates how small, rural cultural organizations, specifically public libraries in Vermont, can create effective and low-cost digital collections.

I am asking for your participation in a quick survey I have developed and posted online. The survey should take you no more than 15 minutes to complete.

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Vermont Early Literacy Initiative Newsletter

The third edition of the quarterly VELI newsletter is now up on our website: http://libraries.vermont.gov/libraries/cbec/eli

Edited by VLA Vice President Debbi Gadwah-Lambert, the director of the Alice Ward library in Canaan,  the newsletter is chock full of ideas for early literacy storytimes, new information on brain development, resources to help you with your early literacy programs and more. This time there are contributions from Beth Reynolds of Norwich, Erna Deutsch of Essex Junction and Jill Coffrin of Williston.

Pew Surveys of Public Librarians and Public Library Patrons

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is funding a national research effort  to study the changing role of librarians, library users, and the general public in the digital age.  The Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project is conducting the surveys and analyzing the data as related to reading/e-reading; changes in library services and the choices libraries are making; and if/how the digital age is changing how people use books and libraries.

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