New England Archivists’ Fall Workshops

We will be offering three workshops in conjunction with NEA’s Fall 2010 meeting at Keene State College.

November 5, 2010
Mason Library, Keene State College
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 a.m.
Registration Deadline: Friday October 22, 2010
Cost per workshop for NEA and NHAG Member: $50
Cost per workshop for Non Member:  $65

  • What’s in your Stacks? An Introduction to Identifying and Caring for your Audio-Visual Materials
  • Advanced Reference and Access
  • Introduction to Archivists’ Toolkit

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ALCTS web course: Fundamentals of Acquisitions Starting in September

The Fundamentals of Acquisitions (September 6 – October 1, 2010) web course focuses on the basics of library acquisitions:

  • goals and methods of acquiring monographs and serials
  • financial management of library collections budgets
  • relationships among acquisitions librarians, library booksellers, subscription agents, and publishers

Description: This course provides a broad overview of the operations involved in acquiring materials after the selection decision is made.

In FOA, we distinguish between collection development, which involves the selection of materials for the library; and acquisitions, which orders, receives, and pays for those materials. In many libraries, selecting and acquiring materials may be done in the same department-in the smallest libraries perhaps even by the same person. In larger
libraries, selection may be done by a collection development department and/or designated subject specialists, while a separate department acquires the selected materials. Acquisitions, in essence, is the business side of bringing materials into the library or licensing access to library resources.

Instructors: Morag Boyd and Kate Kasimor

For additional details and registration information see:

ALCTS Webinar: Introduction to RDA

Description: This introductory webinar on the proposed cataloging rules, Resource Description and Access (RDA), will highlight the critical differences between the current cataloging rules, AACR2, and RDA. It is designed as a primer for both front line catalogers and library administrators in all types of libraries who need to learn how bibliographic and authority records will change when RDA is implemented. The session would be an excellent introduction to record changes for both original catalogers and copy catalogers.

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Registration for NYTSL Program Ends May 14

New York Technical Services Librarians
Spring Meeting & Program
Communities of Interest : A New Model for Institutional Repositories
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Online registration is still open:
Registration deadline: Friday, May 14, 2010.
SPEAKER: Kate Wittenberg
As Project Director, Client and Partnership Development at Ithaka, Kate focuses on building partnerships among scholars, publishers, libraries, technology providers, and societies with an interest in promoting the development of digital scholarship and building and sustaining innovative initiatives. Before coming to Ithaka, Kate was the Director of EPIC (the Electronic Publishing Initiative at
Columbia) a pioneering initiative in digital publishing, and a model partnership for libraries, presses, and academic IT departments. Some of the ventures produced by EPIC include CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online), Gutenberg-E (a reinvention of the monograph as an electronic work), and Jazz Studies Online.
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Registration for NYTSL Program Ends May 14

New York Technical Services Librarians
Spring Meeting & Program
Communities of Interest : A New Model for Institutional Repositories
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Online registration is still open:
Registration deadline: Friday, May 14, 2010.
SPEAKER: Kate Wittenberg
As Project Director, Client and Partnership Development at Ithaka, Kate focuses on building partnerships among scholars, publishers, libraries, technology providers, and societies with an interest in promoting the development of digital scholarship and building and sustaining innovative initiatives. Before coming to Ithaka, Kate was the Director of EPIC (the Electronic Publishing Initiative at
Columbia) a pioneering initiative in digital publishing, and a model partnership for libraries, presses, and academic IT departments. Some of the ventures produced by EPIC include CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online), Gutenberg-E (a reinvention of the monograph as an electronic work), and Jazz Studies Online.
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Registration for NYTSL Program Ends May 14

New York Technical Services Librarians
Spring Meeting & Program
Communities of Interest : A New Model for Institutional Repositories
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Online registration is still open:
Registration deadline: Friday, May 14, 2010.

SPEAKER: Kate Wittenberg

As Project Director, Client and Partnership Development at Ithaka, Kate focuses on building partnerships among scholars, publishers, libraries, technology providers, and societies with an interest in promoting the development of digital scholarship and building and sustaining innovative initiatives. Before coming to Ithaka, Kate was the Director of EPIC (the Electronic Publishing Initiative at
Columbia) a pioneering initiative in digital publishing, and a model partnership for libraries, presses, and academic IT departments. Some of the ventures produced by EPIC include CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online), Gutenberg-E (a reinvention of the monograph as an electronic work), and Jazz Studies Online.

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