Vermont Public Library Trustees & Friends 2013 Annual Conference

Saturday November 2   9:00 am   —  3:00 pm
Vermont Statehouse State Street Montpelier, VT

Registration is now open: (DEADLINE October 25)

Plan to join us at the Statehouse for an energy-filled day of inspiring and informative speakers and networking to help the board, staff and Friends with effective governance, fundraising,  advocacy, social media and more.

Keynote Speaker:
Stuart  Comstock-Gay, President and CEO of the Vermont Community Foundation. 

  • Breakout sessions for trustees and friends (and librarians!) on a variety of topics throughout the day, including:
    • Paul Gillies on Vermont libraries and the law. One of the authors of The Law of Public Libraries, former Deputy Secretary of State and a Montpelier attorney, Mr. Gillies has many years’ experience in municipal law and is well-versed in topics of interest to public library trustees and directors.
    • Rob Fish of the Vermont Council on Rural Development and the Vermont Digital Economy Project on social media tools for libraries.
  • And wait, wait, don’t forget the Annual Trivia Contest with prizes!
  • And of course there will be coffee, lunch, networking with your peers from around the state and more.

20% discount for each attendee when 3 or more attend from one library



9:00 – Registration & informal networking – coffee and continental breakfast (Second Floor near and in the Cafeteria)


9:30 – Welcome – Vermont Department of Libraries (VTLIB), Vermont Library Association (Representatives’ Hall Second Floor)


10:00 – Keynote: Stuart Comstock-Gay, President & CEO, The Vermont Community Foundation


Representatives’ Hall Second Floor


11:00 – Breakout Session 1


  • Paul Gillies : Municipal vs. Incorporated: Legal Issues for Boards Room 11
  • Beyond Booksales:  Raising Funds with Annual Appeals, Signature Events, and Merchandise


12:00 – Lunch/Networking


12:45 – Annual “Wait, Wait …” Trivia, Limericks (and prizes!) Amy Howlett, VTLIB


1:15 – Breakout Session 2


  • Social Media: What is it and what’s in it for my library?
  • 501c3 – “Exploring Non-Profits with Owls”



2:00 – Break


2:15 – Breakout Sessions


  • Real live questions! Friends breakout
  • Roles and Responsibilities for Newer Library Trustees: Whose Job is that?
  • Social Media: What is it and what’s in it for my library?
  • 3:00 Wrap up & Comments + raffle drawing to win an Apple Mini iPad for your library!


Note: Street parking is in front of the Statehouse on State Street & on Governor Aiken Avenue (to the left of the Statehouse) Handicap parking and accessible entrance are past the guard shack toward the rear of the Statehouse.


An elevator is accessible toward to back and left of the building from outside or inside and opens near the cafeteria on the second floor. Concerns for access, please contact Christine Friese (802-828-2714 or