Volunteers Needed for NELA Conference in Burlington 2011

The New England Library Association is holding its annual conference in Burlington in October 2011. The NELA conference committee is busy making preparations and need help from some Vermonters to assistant in designing programs and making connections with Vermont’s resources.

NELA is in need of about four Vermonters to join the conference committee for program planning. Any previous experience with conferences would be helpful, but not necessary. In particular they are looking for assistance with local contacts, help in learning about Vermont resources and advertising the conference to Vermont library workers. There will be a minimum of travel, the majority of the work will be done by email, etc. The expected dates and locations of meetings are as follows; January 14 in Leominster Massachusetts area, February 24 virtual on web, April 1 in Burlington Vermont and June 6 in Wilton New Hampshire.

For more information and to volunteer please contact Mary Ann List– NELA Conference Chair at malist@cityofportsmouth.com , 603-766-1710 or Mary Ann Rupert –NELA Conference Manager at marupert@pobox.com, 603-654-3533.

Best Small Library in America Award

If your library service area is under 25,000, consider applying for the Library Journal Best Small Library in America award. Entries must be postmarked November 5, 2010. The award is sponsored by LJ and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Prize: $15,000 cash award, a feature story in the February 1, 2011, Library Journal, membership and conference costs for two library representatives to attend the Public Library Association Biannual Conference in 2012 in Philadelphia, PA.

Full information:  http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA606273.html

VLA Membership Survey

The Vermont Library Association leadership would like your feedback. Please click on the link to reply to our 5 question survey. Membership Survey

The survey will close on September 17th so please fill it out if you haven’t yet!

Vermont Online Survey Goes Out to Libraries

The Vermont Online Library (VOL) Committee will be sending out an electronic survey to libraries in the next week to gather information about what online products they would like see included in the Vermont Online Library (collection of information databases) in the next contract cycle, 2011-2015. The survey will be sent out to all Vermont school, public and academic libraries. All libraries should complete a survey, including libraries that currently do not subscribe to VOL. Only one person per library should return the survey. The deadline for completing the survey is August 27. The VOL Committee will review survey results before issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to vendors and making the final decisions about what online content will be included in VOL beginning in 2011.

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Enter to win a $250 grant to buy library books

We Love New England Libraries!

Sisters in Crime-New England members know the difficulties that New England libraries face these days, and we want to help.
Enter to win a $250 grant to buy library books. Just send us a photo of an exhibit of at least three books by authors who are members of Sisters in Crime-New England. Your library will be entered for our quarterly drawings for a $250 check—PLUS autographed books from our SinC-NE members! Get details at www.sincne.org.

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Book Mending Basics

Sign up for the free Book Mending course August 11 from 10 AM to 12 Noon at the Quechee Library. Ellen Allman discusses when to mend and when to discard or send to a professional. Bring books which need repairing and, if you have them, basic book mending materials for discussion. Sign up at Book Mending or use  the Continuing Education Calendar on the DOL website, http://evanced.info/vtdol/evanced/eventcalendar.asp

Amy Howlett

VT Department of Libraries

Consider Presenting & Save the Date: October Conference for New England Academic Librarians

Tools to Support Teaching and Outreach: A Mix of the New and the
Friday, October 15, 2010
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH

The fourteenth annual October Conference for New England academic librarians, sponsored by the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries.


We seek presenters for the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries’ annual October Conference for New England academic librarians!

This year’s conference will showcase practical applications of new tools – and innovative uses of tried-and-true tools – that support learning, outreach or reference. The day-long event is scheduled for Friday, October 15, 2010 at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire (an easy two-hour drive from Boston, Springfield, and many other New England locations).

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