Vermont Library Conference 2013 Registration Now Open!

UPDATE 3/20/13 – Online Registration is now fixed with an additional option for group registrations. More info on the Second Annual Book Cart Drill Team Competition.

Registration is now open for the 2013 Vermont Library Conference on May 21 at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester.  The keynote speaker is Barbara Stripling, President-Elect of the American Library Association.  For complete information see

Vermont Library Conference Planners Want to Hear From You!

It’s time to call for ideas for workshops for the Spring 2013 conference. We offer what librarians tell us they want, so if you haven’t seen the kind of workshops you want at conference in the last few years, now’s the time to let us know what you want to see. Keynote ideas are always welcome as well. Please send proposals and ideas to by November 1.

Survey Results Are In! – 118th Annual Vermont Library Conference

The Vermont Library Conference committee would like to thank everyone that took the time to answer our recent survey. A bit over half of the respondents were from public libraries, 34% from academic and the remainder other.

As to the question of preference for future conferences, Burlington area took 39% of the vote, while central was at 19%, southern 6% and move every year 14%. Comments largely followed the numbers. While several stated they preferred Burlington, they would be willing to drive to central Vermont to be “fair.” The two campuses most frequently cited as desired locations were St. Michael’s and VTC in Randolph.

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Thank you for attending the 118th Vermont Library Conference

Please enjoy these videos of our First Annual Book Cart Drill Team Competition:

University of Vermont Libraries’ Banned On The Run:

Vermont Department of Libraries:

If you have pictures of the day that you want added to the conference photo album on our Facebook Page (, please send them to me at with your full name (so I can give you proper credit) and with the full names/blessings of the people in the picture. If the pictures were taken at a session/meeting/lunch/etc., please include that information, also!

VLA is Seeking 2012 Retirees

The Vermont Library Association Awards Committee is seeking names of Vermont librarians  who have retired or will retire in 2012. VLA honors all retirees who:

  • Are VLA members, and;
  • Have worked 10 years or more in Vermont libraries.

Please send names and contact info to me. Thanks so much.

Grace Worcester Greene
Chair, VLA Awards Committee
Vermont Department of Libraries
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609
Tel.: 802-828-6954
Fax: 802-828-1481

VLC 2012: We Want You For Academic Library Pecha Kucha!

WHAT: Sign up to present at The Academic Library Show & Tell Sessions:  Pecha Kucha @ the Vermont Library Conference.

WHO: Invitation to people who work in academic libraries:  submit an idea to present a pecha kucha session.

(You know you want to).  Topics?  Think fun, useful, interesting.  This is a multiple-speaker event.

WHEN & WHERE: May 22, 2012, Vermont Library Conference, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont

HOW: The format:  your presentation will consist of 20 powerpoint slides, with each slide allotted 20 seconds for a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

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Enter a Book Cart Drill Team in the Vermont Library Conference This Year!

There something new at the Vermont Library Conference in 2012….drumroll please….a Book Cart Drill Team Competition! Libraries interested in sponsoring a team should contact Jane Napier at for the full list of rules and regulations. Not everyone on your team has to be a librarian! Teams must “register” by March 1. Teams will be made up of 4 people and their routine must be set to music not lasting more than 4 minutes. Bookcarts will be provided. The competition starts at 5pm and will be held on campus at St. Michaels. So plan to stay for the fun!

Vermont Library Conference Workshop Proposals Due Nov. 1

Workshop proposals for the 2012 Vermont Library Conference are due to the conference committee by November 1.  There is no set theme as of yet, so proposals could be on any topic that might be of interest to academic, public and school librarians.  Please send your ideas and proposals to Let us know what you’d like to see and we’ll do our best to get it on the schedule!

Vermont Library Conference Committee Accepting Proposals

Next year’s VLA conference will be held at St. Michael’s College on Tuesday, May 22, 2012. Proposals for workshops are due to the conference committee by November 1. If you have an idea for a workshop or know of something you’d be interested in learning about, send ideas and proposals to Jane at