DisasterAssistance.gov is a user-friendly Web portal that consolidates disaster assistance information in one place. Individuals in need of assistance following a presidentially declared disaster designated for individual assistance can now go to DisasterAssistance.gov to register online.
We have recently updated the disaster survivor fact sheets to include information on new forms of assistance and additional resources that may be useful to residents in your local communities. The attached files include an overview for survivors about information available on DisasterAssistance.gov and an additional sheet listing the information needed to register for federal assistance as well as a poster (Disaster Assistance Poster) that can be printed on 8.5 x11 paper. Member libraries that choose to display DisasterAssistance.gov flyers and posters will help disaster survivors learn about this resource and encourage them to access the portal at the library or at home.
Libraries may also consider using DisasterAssistance.gov as their home page on all public access computers in the aftermath of a disaster, to further raise awareness of the valuable resources available on the Web site.
We appreciate the help of your libraries in pre-positioning this information in local communities so when a disaster occurs, information on assistance can be made readily available to survivors. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can assist in any way.
Alicia McConnell (Contrator)
Disaster Assistance Improvement Program (DAIP)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
US Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Desk Phone: 540-722-8482