Vermont librarians are welcome at the Citizens in a Connected Age workshop, December 11 at Castleton State College. A similar workshop will be given March 5, 2011 in Lyndonville. Vermont public librarians attending will receive 5 technology certification credits after completing an evaluation. Joanna Cummings of the Snelling Center for Government organized the workshop as the e-Vermont Community Coordinator. Libraries do not need to be part of the e-Vermont grant to attend.
A few highlights of the workshop:
- Geoff Gevault of the Young Writer’s Project will teach “Digital Storytelling”, a tool to create video for the library.
- “Troubleshooting Technology” with Anthony Harris, VSC CTO, will be of great interest to librarians, town staff or anyone that trains volunteers to work with computers
- “Advanced Social Media” will be taught by Patrick Ripley of the VtSBDC, covering strategies for how to incorporate social media into a business, nonprofit or home life
The workshop is $10, payable online or at the door. Library staff need to register to attend. More information:
- Online registration form and brief agenda:
- Share the Facebook event: