If you would like to add something to this calendar, something open to the public, please email Barbara Ball at barbara@windsorlibrary.org
Vermont Center for Ecostudies Introduces Family Science Opportunities around Vermont
The Vermont Center for Ecostudies (vtecostudies.org) unites people and science for conservation projects around Vermont. Join Outreach Naturalist, Julia Pupko, as she introduces us to several exciting studies in Vermont including the Vermont Lady Beetle Atlas, the Vermont Bee Atlas, Birder Broker (emphasis on birders), the Vernal Pool Atlas, Mountain BirdWatch, the Forest Bird Monitoring […]
The Watershed with UVM Extension Service and the Lake Champlain Sea Grant
The Watershed with UVM Extension Service and the Lake Champlain Sea Grant (www.uvm.edu/seagrant/home) The Lake Champlain Sea Grant develops and shares science-based knowledge to benefit the Lake Champlain basin. Join Ashley Eaton, a scientist from the University of Vermont Rubenstein Ecosystem Science Laboratory to talk about the health of Lake Champlain, cyanobacteria blooms, invasive species […]
Film Discussion: Priced Out
Film Discussion: Priced Out Facilitated by Jessica Hyman, Fair Housing Project, CVOEO with Introduction by Lydia Clemmons, Clemmons Family Farm Thursday, April 22 7 pm - 8 pm Lydia Clemmons of the Clemmons Family Farm, one of the few African-American-owned farms in Vermont, starts us off with an update on the farm and strategies the family […]
Got Bats? Bat Monitoring with the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
Got Bats? Bat Monitoring with the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department (vtfishandwildlife.com) The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department needs your help monitoring summer bat activity around the state to help them make informed decisions about the welfare and long-term conservation of these important mammals. Alyssa Bennett, the Small Mammals Biologist for the Vermont Fish and […]
Annual Bird Slideshow with Evergreen Erb and Friends
Join us for a presentation on our resident and newly arrived bird species with Evergreen’s very popular slideshow. She pairs photos with the actual bird songs and calls to better familiarize us. Evergreen’s storytelling about the birds is especially memorable. Registration required — please click here to register: https://forms.gle/t9ez14cP8kZZauFm9 This program uses the application Zoom. A […]
Virtual Visit: “Museum of Everyday Life”
Join curator Clare Dolan for an online tour of this unusual and amazing place, which has as its mission "a heroic, slow-motion cataloguing of the quotidian–a detailed, theatrical expression of gratitude and love for the miniscule and unglamorous experience of daily life in all its forms. We celebrate mundanity, and the mysterious delight embedded in […]
NNLM Book Discussion: “How to Eat”
Join us for a discussion of this new book from cookbook guru, Mark Bittman, facilitated by a Registered Dietitian. What is the “best” diet? Do calories matter? And when it comes to protein, fat, and carbs, which ones are good and which are bad? Mark Bittman and health expert David Katz answer all these questions […]
Aging Gardens, Aging Gardeners
Do you look forward to spring for the beauty that your gardens produce? Do you love your gardens but not the seemingly endless hours of maintenance that they demand? Have you ever found yourself resenting your gardens because their care prevents you from pursuing other interests? And finally, have you come to the painful realization […]
Homes for All: Planning for Affordable, Inclusive Housing
A Deborah Rawson Memorial Library event. (Jericho, VT, Chittenden County.) Where we live matters. It has a huge impact on our opportunities, such as the ease of getting to work, school, healthcare, services, and recreation. When we don’t have access to safe and stable homes, we lose out on these social and economic benefits. Join […]
Zoom Author Event with Sharon Draper: Telling a Slave’s Story.
The Fletcher Free Library (Burlington, VT, Chittenden County) is excited to offer a Zoom author event with Sharon Draper: Telling a Slave’s Story. Mrs. Draper will talk about her Coretta Scott King Book Award winning Young Adult Novel, “Copper Sun.” You can register for this event at fletcherfree.org/register. This event is part of the City […]
Virtual Animals in Myth and Legend with VINS
How did Snake lose her legs? Why does Owl only fly at night? How did Turtle fly south for the winter? Meet these animals and hear their stories while we learn about the adaptations that have helped them survive. We’ll explore a few different tales that people tell to help them understand the world of […]
Falconry 101 (Virtual)
Ever wonder what it takes to hunt with a bird of prey? Learn what Falconry is and how people around the world have been hunting with raptors for hundreds of years. Be sure to bring plenty of questions as you will get the chance to talk to falconer, Abbey Krumrie of River Valley Raptors, Inc. […]