Free Online Education Opportunities for December 2011

Listed below are FREE programs Accessible Technology Coalition , ALA, American Management Association, Booklist, Common Knowledge, GrantSpace, Idealware, Infopeople,InSync Training, Library Journal, Nebraska Library Commission, NISO, OCLC, O’Reilly, TechSoup, TL Virtual Café, The TLT Group, and WebJunction will be webcasting during December.

In the event that you aren’t available during those times, or you would like to check out past webinars, here are the links to archived events:

OPAL Webinar Archives
Common Knowledge
School Library Journal
Tech Soup
Library Journal
eSchool News Webinars
SirsiDynx Institute Webinars
EDUCAUSE Live! archives
Texas State Library and Archives Commission

December 8 (2-3 pm)
Training an Invisible Audience: Delivering Effective Webinars(Techsoup)

Interested in delivering webinars, but don’t know where to start? During this free webinar, you will hear from two online training experts, TechSoup Webinar Program Manager Kyla Hunt and independent library consultant, author, and trainer Stephanie Gerding. Join us to explore the basics of providing effective webinars.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 8  (1-2 pm)
The Challenging Business of Kids’ Apps (O’Reilly)

The kids’ app market is rapidly expanding and getting better, with more choices every day. Great for kids and parents – challenging for developers. In this webcast, experienced developers will share hard won info on the kids’ app development space, including: Where to find resources and communities for developers, the differences between kids’ app market and the gaming market, How this platform can spread/accommodate lots of topics and genres, Working with authors, publishers, and other rights’ holders, Marketing tips and business tools to help navigate the world of kids’ apps.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 8 (2-3:30 pm)
New Roundtables for Collaborative Change (The TLT Group)

Online tools and other educational resources available for use in college courses are proliferating in variety, power, and accessibility.   However, many academics are not familiar with newer alternatives to the restrictive models of online education from the past (such as live video broadcasts, the distribution of video recordings, and text-dominated asynchronous discussion boards). Our Winter Symposium will adapt and demonstrate an effective planning and decision-making process designed for issues that require the expertise and support of an unusual variety of key stakeholders within a college or university – namely, the TLT Roundtable approach.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 8 (3-4 pm)
Digital Preservation: Fundamentals (Infopeople)

The uncertainties that go hand in hand with new technologies in digital preservation can make “once and for all” preservation approaches impractical. This first in a series of four webinars will present basic concepts and approaches to dealing with crucial digital preservation issues today and make decisions that will position you for success in the future. Topics include storing digital objects, choosing and understanding risks in file formats, planning for migration and emulation, and the roles of metadata in digital preservation.  This webinar will be of interest to library staff and archivists who are involved in developing digital projects. No special technical background required.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 12 (2-3 pm)
Change Happens (InSync Training)

It’s been said that, “The “only people who like change are wet babies and busy cashiers.” In this session we’ll explore your own reactions/responses to change and look at ways to become more proactive and positive. We will also take a look at the elements of organizational change, strategies for dealing with the conflicts that inevitably occur, and the role you can play in being effective as change unfolds.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 13 (12-1 pm)
The iPad and Communication Transitions for Young Adults (Accessible Technology Coalition)

As children who use communication devices become young adults, their environments, needs, and interests are likely to change quickly and dramatically. The vocabulary and equipment that they have previously used will need to change accordingly. Because of the flexibility and “normalcy” of the iPad, it may be uniquely well suited to address these changes at a relatively low cost. This webinar will provide information on apps for the iPad that are well suited for the changing needs of the child as they transition from high school to higher education or a work environment.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 13 (2-3 pm)
Hooked on Books: New Titles for the Newest Readers (Booklist)

Board books, picture books, beginning readers—all ideal for reading together and reading aloud. See the latest offerings from Holiday House, Gareth Stevens, and Simon & Schuster at this webinar designed to entice new book lovers. Booklist’s Children’s Books editor Ilene Cooper moderates.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 13 (3-4 pm)
What Will Happen When I’m Gone: Ensuring Knowledge Transfer to Your Successor (Infopeople)

Whether you are a senior leader in your organization or you have a job with some unique responsibilities at any level, you may be thinking about what it will take to replace your knowledge, skills, and wisdom. And if you’re not thinking about it, you should be! This webinar will be of interest to anyone who is thinking about retirement, or who may actively be seeking other employment and to those who manage and train staff.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 13 (2-3pm)
Public Libraries as Financial Literacy Providers (Center for Financial Security)

Join CFS Affiliate, Kristin Eschenfelder as she presents her research which examined the activities public libraries use to increase the financial literacy of their service populations.  This will include an overview of an analysis of the finance-related hyperlinks contained on a sample of Wisconsin public library websites, findings of interviews with librarians about their perceptions of the challenges of offering financial-literacy based information and services while also summarizing the results of on-site and remote examinations of the physical collections at each library site where interviews were conducted. Discussants Billy Hensley of NEFE and Ken Hall of Fond Du Lac, WI Public Library will offer their in-the-field expertise.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 14 (2-3 pm)
A Small But Powerful Webinar for Winning Big Support for Your Rural Library (WebJunction)

Join us for an introduction to the revised edition of the popular Small But Powerful Guide to Winning Big Support for Your Rural Library, a new toolkit from the American Library Association’s Committee on Rural, Native, and Tribal Libraries of All Kinds, Office for Literacy and Outreach Services, and the Association for Rural and Small Libraries. This webinar will introduce you to the tips and strategies presented in the toolkit, share the experiences of a rural librarian who has built support for her library, and introduce you to some of the additional advocacy tools and resources from the American Library Association.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 14 (11 am-12 pm)
Brave New World (Wide Web): Job hunting in the 21st Century(Nebraska Library Commission)

Learn about the importance of effectively using LinkedIn and Twitter to connect and make job contacts, set up alerts, volunteer for projects, and other activities that just a few years ago were not part of this process. Job hunting has changed, and if you haven’t changed with it, you and your library customers are likely to miss opportunities.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 14 (12-1 pm)
Crucial Steps for Ensuring Project Success (American Management Association)

In this webcast, you’ll learn the two crucial steps that ensure successful projects. Without a solid foundation, projects are doomed from the start. Most problems can be traced to the earliest points of project inception—long before that delivery team is involved.  You Will Learn how to provide more accurate information when a project starts and creating a team of people that can work with your customer to set expectations and align stakeholders.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 14 (1-2:30 pm)
Assessment Metrics (NISO)

With ever-shrinking library budgets it is more essential than ever to ensure that the library collection is targeted, relevant and well-used. Return on Investment (ROI) has become the mantra of library management and libraries need to show accountability for collection decisions. This webinar will focus on speakers who have successfully implemented assessment metrics (such as COUNTER 3, Eigenfactor and impact factors) as one determining factor of collection development decisions.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 15 (1-2 pm)
Choosing the Right Communications Mix (Idealware)

It doesn’t make sense to communicate through only one channel.  These days, it often makes sense to not only consider email, direct mail, and websites as potential channels, but also social networking sites, blogs, online communities, and more.  Which channels make sense to communicate what kind of messages, or to encourage action?  What’s actually working in what situations?  We’ll provide a decision making structure to help you define what makes sense for you.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 15 (1-2 pm)
Proposal Writing Basics (Grantspace)

Learn the key components of a proposal to a foundation.
For those new to proposal writing, this class will cover:

  • How the proposal fits into the overall grantseeking process
  • What to include in a standard proposal to a foundation
  • Tips for making each section of your proposal stronger
  • What funders expect to see in your proposal and attachments
  • Tips for communicating with funders during the grant process
  • Additional resources on proposal writing, including sample proposals

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 15 (3-4 pm)
Let’s Get Crazy! Library Programs On and Over the Edge(Infopeople)

Do you want to surprise your community with exceptional programs? Are you curious to learn what new and unexpected programs other libraries are doing? It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and book the same old performers and speakers. Why not break out of your comfort zone and develop programs that are striking, original, and important! Start asking bigger questions in order to make a bigger impact in your community. But first – get thee to this webinar with other library staff who are reaching for the crazy switch! Before the 60 minutes are up, attendees will: know what a “crazy” program looks like and when a program is not “crazy” enough, acquire new tools and a new perspective for developing more impactful and experimental programs, learn about libraries that have successfully delivered innovative programs, and be able to apply the ideas in this presentation to programs at their libraries to better serve their communities.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 15 (3-4 pm)
Proposal Budgeting Basics (Grantspace)

Learn to prepare and present a budget in a grant proposal. This session, geared to the novice grantseeker, will cover such topics as: What is included under the “personnel” section and how to calculate it? What level of detail do you need to include for non-personnel expenses? How do you determine reasonable costs? What types of expenses are considered “overhead”? What other financial documents will funders want to see? Prior attendance at Proposal Writing Basics is strongly recommended.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 21 (11 am-12 pm)
Best Youth Books of 2011 (Nebraska Library Commission)

Sally Snyder; Coordinator of Children and Young Adult Library Services at the NLC, will give brief book talks of new titles you may, or may not, have heard about and that could be good additions to your library’s collection. Titles starting with teens and going back through preschool age will be highlighted.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

December 28 (11 am-12 pm)
Tech Talk with Michael Sauers: A conversation with Sarah Houghton (Nebraska Library Commission)

In this month’s Tech Talk we’ll be speaking with Sarah Houghton, the Librarian in Black and Assistant Director for the San Rafael Public Library, about a wide range of topics involving libraries and technology.

For more information and to register for this program, visit:

Please let me know if you have any questions!


Mara Siegel
Continuing Education Coordinator
Vermont Department of Libraries
(802) 828-2727