Hello all,
Just to let you all know about the next Jane Austen Society – Vermont Chapter gathering on June 7 in Montpelier. I append the text – if you would like a proper flyer to post in your library, email or call me [see below] and I will forward it to you. As always, any and all are welcome to attend – if you have any interest in the fashion of Jane Austen’s time, you should not miss this! [more information at the blog: http://janeausteninvermont.wordpress.com
Deb Barnum
The Vermont Chapter of JASNA
Hope Greenberg
(The University of Vermont)
“Fashion in Jane Austen’s Worldâ€
Miss Tilney’s white gown confirms her elegance,
Mr. Bingley’s blue coat hints of dandyism,
and as for Miss Steele’s pink ribands . . . .
Jane Austen’s descriptions of her characters’ clothing are sparingly – yet tellingly – applied; her letters address fashion in a more practical way. Those interested in the “felt life†of fashion history can now wear accurate reproductions, allowing us to answer such burning questions as, Can one really dance comfortably in a corset?
Sunday, 7 June 2009 2 – 4 pm
Vermont College of Fine Arts Montpelier, Vermont
The Chapel at College Hall
~ free and open to the public ~
for more information: JaneAustenInVermont.wordpress.com
(802) 864-0517; jasna-vt@hotmail.com
Next Events:
27 September 2009: Dr. Joan Klingel Ray, “Jane Austen for Smarties†(Champlain College, Burlington)
6 December 2009: Annual Birthday Tea with Dr. Philip Baruth [UVM] (Champlain College, Burlington)
Best regards,
Deb Barnum
Regional Co-coordinator JASNA-Vermont
Bygone Books
PO Box 5034
Burlington VT 05402
email: books@bygonebooksvermont.com
website: www.bygonebooksvermont.com
blog: http://bygonebooks.wordpress.com
JASNA-VT: http://janeausteninvermont.wordpress.com