Jane Austen Gathering

Hello all,
Just to let you all know about the next Jane Austen Society – Vermont Chapter gathering on June 7 in Montpelier. I append the text – if you would like a proper flyer to post in your library, email or call me [see below] and I will forward it to you. As always, any and all are welcome to attend – if you have any interest in the fashion of Jane Austen’s time, you should not miss this! [more information at the blog: http://janeausteninvermont.wordpress.com
Deb Barnum

The Vermont Chapter of JASNA


Hope Greenberg

(The University of Vermont)

“Fashion in Jane Austen’s World”

Miss Tilney’s white gown confirms her elegance,

Mr. Bingley’s blue coat hints of dandyism,

and as for Miss Steele’s pink ribands . . . .

Jane Austen’s descriptions of her characters’ clothing are sparingly – yet tellingly – applied; her letters address fashion in a more practical way. Those interested in the “felt life” of fashion history can now wear accurate reproductions, allowing us to answer such burning questions as, Can one really dance comfortably in a corset?

Sunday, 7 June 2009 2 – 4 pm

Vermont College of Fine Arts Montpelier, Vermont

The Chapel at College Hall

~ free and open to the public ~

for more information: JaneAustenInVermont.wordpress.com

(802) 864-0517; jasna-vt@hotmail.com

Next Events:

27 September 2009: Dr. Joan Klingel Ray, “Jane Austen for Smarties” (Champlain College, Burlington)

6 December 2009: Annual Birthday Tea with Dr. Philip Baruth [UVM] (Champlain College, Burlington)

Best regards,
Deb Barnum
Regional Co-coordinator JASNA-Vermont
Bygone Books
PO Box 5034
Burlington VT 05402
email: books@bygonebooksvermont.com
website: www.bygonebooksvermont.com
blog: http://bygonebooks.wordpress.com
JASNA-VT: http://janeausteninvermont.wordpress.com