To carry out professional library responsibilities including coordinating one or more major library function(s); to participate in development of policies and procedures and library planning activities.
- Manage information literacy and academic research instruction for both online and on-campus course instruction.
- Work with other VSC librarians to create digital learning objects, including online research guides and video tutorials.
- Work with Director to develop policies and procedures for the on-campus and virtual libraries.
- Act as lead in providing reference service for both online, IM chat, and on-campus students. Assess reference service, reviewing reference queries and providing statistical analysis. Train library staff and student workers in reference service skills and library resources.
- Liaise with vendors regarding trials, licensing, and technical maintenance.
- Database administration, including statistical analysis and technical maintenance.
- Maintain LibGuides content management system (CMS) for online research guides in addition to other Springshare products.
- Maintain library social media accounts.
- Serve on system-wide library committees.
- Manage lending programs for the library’s iPads and Kindles.
- Plan and arrange library events, including presentations, book talks and displays.
- Manage program development and public outreach services.
- Promote library information and news via cross-campus communications and through NVU-Online.
- Library liaison and collection development for various academic departments.
- Manage any library grants specific to NVU libraries.
- Manage collection and deselection processes for campus libraries.
- Related duties as assigned.
View the full job description and apply online on the Northern Vermont University website.
– Posted 7/20/21