Part-Time Library/Media Specialist (Alburgh, VT)

The goal of Alburgh School library is to enhance student achievement and foster the appreciation of literature by ensuring that students and teachers are effective users of ideas and information. This goal is accomplished by:
• providing intellectual and physical access to materials in a variety of formats.
• providing instruction to foster literacy competence and stimulate interest in accessing, evaluating, and applying information and ideas.
• promoting literacy throughout the day.
• collaborating with other educators to design learning so that students’ literacy needs are met.
• serving as an independent and supervised learning center.
Minimum Qualifications
• Bachelor’s degree and valid State of Vermont teaching certificate.
• State certification as a school library media specialist.
• Desire to continue career improvement.
Preferred Qualifications
• Master’s Degree in Library Science, Master of Educational Technology, or comparable degree
• The library media specialist reports directly to and is evaluated by the Alburgh School principal
Position Type: Part-time
For more information and to apply, click here.