Each participating library will receive ten assembled passports and a poster for promotions. Here are other printable documents including a press release and a printable schedule:
- Printable passport: PDF format
- Some Creative Commons licensed photos of the passports which you can use on websites or in print materials.
Program Details
All libraries in the state of Vermont will be listed on a page of the VLA website which will be available for libraries to print out. A passport template is available here for printing. “Starter passport packs” of ten passports will be available for libraries before June 1st.
Libraries may post these documents on their own website. Patrons are welcome to print these documents out on their own. This page will also include a map of participating libraries so that patrons can find the libraries they would like to visit. We have a Facebook page and encourage patrons and librarians to add testimonials about their experiences.
The Passport Program prizes will be available in three categories:
- Adult
- Young Adult
- Children
There is also one wild-card winner determined by random drawing. At the end the program on September 1, patrons will have from September 1-September 15 to take their passports to their “home” library to have their stamps/stickers counted by a staff member (they can keep their Passport!). The staff will then send this information along to the Passport Committee. These winners can receive a local prize which will be determined and provided by the participating library. These winners will also be entered into a statewide contest where three winners, one from each category, will win a grand prize which will be provided by VLA. In late September there will be a grand prize ceremony at a location to be determined to give out these prizes and participation certificates.
Passport to VT Libraries FAQ for Librarians
Can I use last year’s passports?
Sure, feel free to use the older passports if you still have some. This year’s design is nearly identical to last year’s except for the color of the cover.
Who is this program for?
The passport program will be open to any patron. At the end the program on September 1, each library will determine which patrons from each age category (adult, child, YA) have visited the most libraries. These winners can receive a local prize to be determined and provided by the participating library. These can be small prizes like bookmarks, magnets or stickers or something larger like a gift certificate or a free book. These winners will also be entered into a statewide contest where three winners, one from each category, will win a grand prize which will be provided by VLA.
How do I get my passports if I did not come to VLC?
All passports this year are being sent by courier service, postal mail, or were delivered at VLC. If you still need them please contact us and we can tell you where in transit they might be or send you some more.
Are there other ways for me to share my explorations?
We have a facebook page at facebook.com/vermontpassport and our hashtag is #vtpassport. Feel free to tweet to us @VLALib or tag us in Instagram photos.
Who is running this project?
Acommittee of the Vermont Library Association and Vermont’s Department of Libraries ran this program.
Related Pages:
Passport to Vermont Libraries – History and Credits
Last updated May 14, 2024.