An Evening Without: Giving Voice to the Silenced

The ACLU of Vermont presents An Evening Without: Giving Voice to the Silenced,  Thursday, Sept. 26, 7:00 pm, Catamount Arts Cabaret, St. Johnsbury.  Vermont writers read from works that have been challenged, censored, or banned.  This event is held during Banned Books Week (September 22-28) in celebration of the First Amendment.  Admission by donation. Email  for a flyer to advertise the event.

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Advocacy for Vermont Public Libraries

Friday March 29th
Midstate Regional Library, Berlin, VT

Facebook Event Page:

A day long workshop hosted by the Vermont Public Libraries Section of the Vermont Library Association.

Come learn, be inspired, and gain crucial skills from your peers in Vermont public libraries. Librarians and trustees will share their stories and strategies for long term success.

Attendees receive a goodie bag and advocacy tool kit. FREE for VLA members; $15 registration fee for non-VLA members.

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CANCELLED – VT & NH Library Leadership Day

The joint VLA/NHLA Library Leadership Workshop featuring ALA-President Maureen Sullivan planned for May 6th in Manchester, NH has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict with Maureen’s calendar. At this time, there are no plans to reschedule this workshop. VLA and NHLA will continue to explore other partnership opportunities that will benefit our members by enriching our profession and strengthening our libraries.
Maureen Sullivan, ALA President and Simmons management guru, will once again lead a Vermont/New Hampshire Library Leadership Day. Save the date—Monday, May 6, 2013. This year the Manchester City Library in New Hampshire is hosting the event—so start thinking carpools. Library Leadership Day is sponsored by the Vermont Library Association and the New Hampshire Library Association.

Vermont Library Association Statement in Support of Recently Laid Off St. Johnsbury Athenaeum Library Staff

On December 7, 2012, the Vermont library community was shocked and dismayed at the decision of the Board of Directors of the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum to lay off its entire library staff in the name of restructuring. While the Vermont Library Association understands the Board’s responsibility for setting direction for their library during a time of financial stress, now, more than ever, Vermonters need libraries–and librarians. The Vermont Library Association feels that the board’s actions demonstrate a devaluation of libraries and the library professionals capable of leading them through a time of intense change in information resources and society. Librarians are not replaced by the Internet–their skills and training enrich the Internet and facilitate access for all Vermonters.

“As President of the Vermont Library Association, an educational organization that works to develop, promote, and improve library and information services and librarianship in the State of Vermont, I hope the entire library community will join us in support of libraries and librarians everywhere, specifically in St. Johnsbury at this time.” states Deborah Gadwah-Lambert.

The Vermont Library Association would like to express support to all the dedicated St. Johnsbury library staff capably serving the local community.

To express your support as well, consider these steps:

Step One: Contact the Athenaeum Executive Director, Matthew Powers and Board Vice-President, Gil Steil to express your concerns. Send email to or call 802-748-8291.

Step Two: Join the Vermont Library Association, Rural Librarians Unite, and the citizens of St. Johnsbury on the steps of the Athenaeum to “hug” the library, Saturday, January 12th at noon. We will be holding hands around the library in solidarity with Athenaeum library staff.

Teen Video Contest for Summer Reading

The Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) and the Department of Libraries are launching the “2013 Teen Video Challenge”, a national video competition designed to get teens involved with reading and their public library’s summer reading program.

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Banned Books Week – Vermont Edition

It’s Banned Books Week!

Libraries around the state have Banned Books Displays. Take a picture and send it to us at or share on facebook or twitter!

We created a video for the 50 State Salute – 50 State Salute-Vermont Librarians

Rockingham Free  produced an hour long special for cable access – A Talk About Banned Books

We’ve asked as many VT politicians as we could find to tweet about their favorite banned book. Check out #VTLibraries and/or #bannedbook to see the replies!

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Turning the Page 2.0 Statewide Kickoff!

If you, your staff, your trustees and friends have not yet done so, please consider joining us for the Fall session of Turning the Page 2.0, the 6-week free online course in advocacy from the Public Library Association and supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation who know the importance of these skills. Many Vermont librarians and trustees have taken this course and used what they learned to help their library.

Whether you have a capital campaign starting up, want to prepare each year for Town Meeting, hope to add staff or programming, or simply want to get a well-focused and well-honed message out to your community with a strong, coordinated voice, this training is tremendous.

Meanwhile, registration is OPEN at: and closes September 12.

And please register with me to join us in-person or online on September 12 in Berlin, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. You can write ( or phone me (802-828-2714) to register or to ask questions.

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Outreach Coordinator Meet & Greet

Hello Fellow Outreach Coordinators,
I am the Outreach Coordinator at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library.  I’ve been thinking for quite a while that I’d love the opportunity to gather with other Outreach folks to find out how other libraries provide outreach and also to exchange ideas.  I am taking a page from the book of our children’s librarian, Jane Napier.  She coordinates a state-wide meeting of children’s librarians twice a year.  I am proposing to meet on Tuesday, October  9th, here at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library in Montpelier from 10 – 12:30.  We could continue the discussion over lunch at one of Montpelier’s fine eateries.
Please let me know if you can attend by September 28th.  My email is:  or phone – 223.4665

Looking forward to meeting and exchanging ideas!
All the best,
Rachael Grossman

New Advocacy Tool – Mobile Commons

ALA has now made it easy for all of us  to respond to  email alerts that are sent out asking us to call our legislator on behalf of the most recent bill or action..  Text!

Here’s what to do:

Text “library” to 877877. You will receive a message back asking for your address. Send that info back.  From now on, when there’s a legislative alert from ALA relating to library and information issues they will send you a text.

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