This is a reminder that you still have time to nominate star librarians, trustees, and advocates for the Vermont Library Association’s awards. Nominations close March 1st.
The Sarah C. Hagar Award is awarded each year for outstanding service in or significant contribution to the field of librarianship in Vermont. Nominees for the Sarah C. Hagar award must be working in a Vermont library (public, academic, school, or special) and be a member of VLA.
The Trustee of the Year Award recognizes outstanding achievement by a trustee on behalf of his or her library, either during the previous year or during his or her years of service. Nominations may be submitted by any library trustee, library board, librarian, member of a Friends group, or VLA member.
The Library Advocate of the Year Award is given occasionally by the VLA Government Relations Committee to an outstanding public advocate for libraries in local, state, or national government.
The Green Mountain Award is given as the opportunity arises to individuals or organizations for distinguished service, support, or unusual contributions to a Vermont library or libraries.
Please visit http://www.
Tag Archives: Awards
Vermont Libraries in the News!
Here are the links of the video that Vermont Public Television made at the DCF Ceremony two weeks ago. There are brief interviews with a quite a few kids, as well as with Raina Telgemeier. VPT Website (with YouTube link embedded and links to reading list offered Vermont Public Television on YouTube
Champlain College Library Wins National Award
Champlain College has received an Excellence in Academic Libraries Award from the Association of College and Research Libraries. Libraries are continuing to prove that they are still vibrant and vital places for their communities.
This news story aired April 23 on WPTZ and New England Cable News.
Champlain College Library Wins National Award
Champlain College has received an Excellence in Academic Libraries Award from the Association of College and Research Libraries. Libraries are continuing to prove that they are still vibrant and vital places for their communities.
This news story aired April 23 on WPTZ and New England Cable News.
DCF & Red Clover Winners Have Been Chosen
Drum roll , please…
The 2012 Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award has been won by Raina Telgemeier for Smile! It is too soon to know about the ceremony, but I will certainly keep you informed.
Born Yesterday written by James Solheim and illustrated by Simon James has won the 2012 Red Clover Award.
New Green Mountain Book Award Masterlist
And the opportunities to spend your book budget keep on coming! The newly selected Green Mountain Book Award list for high school students for 2012-2013 is now on our website: Enjoy!
2012-2013 DCF List
It’s here! Check out the list of 30 great books the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children’s Book Award committee just selected. Hope you like the choices.
VLA is Seeking 2012 Retirees
The Vermont Library Association Awards Committee is seeking names of Vermont librarians who have retired or will retire in 2012. VLA honors all retirees who:
- Are VLA members, and;
- Have worked 10 years or more in Vermont libraries.
Please send names and contact info to me. Thanks so much.
Grace Worcester Greene
Chair, VLA Awards Committee
Vermont Department of Libraries
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609
Tel.: 802-828-6954
Fax: 802-828-1481
ACRL/NEC Seeking Scholarship and Award Nominations
The ACRL/NEC offers professional development scholarships and an award for New England library science students and recent graduates, library staff and librarians. They are:
Call for Nominations for VLA Awards for 2012
There are so many excellent librarians and trustees in Vermont that it is hard to single out just one of each annually, but there are always ones who are extraordinary and deserved to be recognized statewide. Now is the time for you to think about who VLA should recognize this year at the Vermont Library Association Conference, and nominate those deserving colleagues.
VLA is now accepting nominations for:
1) The 2012 Sarah C. Hagar Award which is for outstanding service in or significant contribution to the field of librarianship in Vermont. Nominees must be working in a Vermont library and a member of VLA.
2) The 2012 Trustee of the Year Award for achievement by a trustee on behalf of his or her library, either during the previous year or during his/her years of service.
For more information about the awards, please see:
To nominate someone, please send the nominee’s name, the name of his/her library, and a letter explaining why this person should receive the award, along with your name, library telephone number and email address by March 16, 2012 to the committee. If more than one person signs a nominating letter, please designate one signatory as the contact person. Letters of support from community members or colleagues are extremely important as they are very helpful to the committee.
Don’t delay-write that letter today! Questions? Please ask Grace Greene at 828-6954 or Electronic submissions are preferred.