ACRL/LAMA Joint Spring Virtual Institute

Registration is now open for the ACRL/LAMA Joint Spring Virtual Institute, “Leading from the Middle: Managing in All Directions.” The Institute, offered by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and the Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA), will be held April 29-30, 2008.

The ACRL/LAMA Joint Spring Virtual Institute will feature live, interactive webcasts and asynchronous online poster sessions, allowing for convenient scheduling and flexibility. Programs will be archived for viewing on-demand after the institute. Programs will address issues of management and leadership, including developing library professionals, inspiring change, interim appointments, library 2.0 transformation, innovation and more. Complete descriptions of the institute programs and learning outcomes are online at

ACRL New England Chapter Annual Conference

ACRL New England Chapter Annual Conference
Media and Popular Culture: Effects on Academic Libraries
University of Connecticut, Bishop Center, Storrs, CT
Friday, April 18, 2008

Registration is now open for the ACRL New England Chapter Annual Conference. This year’s conference will explore how libraries are adapting to the interactions of popular culture, new media technologies, and scholarly pursuits in higher education. Please join us to examine the library’s role in a landscape of Web 2.0 and open access publishing and to consider how we can develop relevant service models in this environment.

Visit the conference web site to register:

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Register Now for NEDCC's Preservation Workshops – Spring 2008

The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) is pleased to present its Spring 2008 series of one-day preservation workshops:
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

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Librarianship Seminar, Oxford England

(posted by Michael Penny, UNC SILS)

“Libraries and Librarianship: Past, Present and Future”

University of Oxford, England

May 11 – 24, 2008

Would you like to spend two weeks in England learning about the history and future challenges of librarianship? How about if those two weeks were spent at The University of Oxford with sessions held at the historic Bodleian Library, Oxford University Press, many of the university’s unique college libraries, as well as the British Library in London?

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Digital Information Management Certificate Program Application Deadline Extended; Scholarships available (Virtual Program, No Residency)

The University of Arizona School of Information Resources and Library Science is pleased to announce that openings are available, as well as a number of full scholarships, in the school’s graduate certificate program in Digital Information Management. The program is scheduled to begin a new series of courses starting this summer. Prospects have until April 1, 2008 to apply for one of the openings and available financial aid.

DigIn, as the program is known, provides hands-on experience and focused instruction supporting careers in libraries and archives, cultural heritage institutions and digital collections, information repositories in government and the private sector and similar institutions. The certificate is comprised of six courses covering diverse topics including digital collections, applied technology, technology planning and leadership, policy and ethics, digital preservation and curation, and other subjects relevant to today’s digital information environments.

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Vermont's 23 Things, A winter learning opportunity

From Mara Siegel to VLA Listserv

Have you ever been curious about blogs, wikis, flickr, RSS, MySpace, and YouTube, but haven’t gone beyond looking up their definitions? Here’s a chance to explore those tools (and more!)
Vermont’s 23 Things is a self-directed online learning program that will introduce you to many Web 2.0 tools. It will encourage you to play with them and see how they can be useful in your library (or personally).
To see more, click on Vermont’s 23 Things or cut and paste into your browser window. Then dive right in!
Please distribute this e-mail among your co-workers. If you have any questions about Vermont’s 23 Things, please contact Mara Siegel. e-mail: phone: 828-3261

I thought this should go up here in case some of you are not subscribed to the VLA listserv. It’s a really good opportunity to get a crash course in social sofware in a fun, self-paced environment if you’ve been waiting for a reason to try these tools out. It only just started at the end of January. I’m having a lot of fun with it, just as a personal endorsement.
Helen Linda