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Past President Virgil Fuller speaks with WCAX about Vermont Passport Program.
Tag Archives: passport
VLA partners with the VSO
For this year’s Passport program we’ve partnered with the Vermont Symphony Orchestra. They’ll be handing out special VSO-branded passports at their Summer Festival Tour and offering Book Bucks, a coupon good for five dollars off of one VSO-presented concert ticket through May of 2017. Details available via this flyer (click to download) which libraries are welcome to print out, hand out, or post.
Passport to Vermont Libraries statewide winners!
We have our statewide winners! Thank you to all who participated in this fun and exciting program. The Vermont Library Association hopes to sponsor this amazing program again next year. Stay tuned!And the winners are:
- Adult- Emily Ahtunan, Kellogg Hubbard Library, Montpelier
- YA- Ariana Cioffi, Springfield Town Library
- Child- Torynce Hathaway, Castleton Free Library
- Wild Card- Noah Jones, Whiting Library, Chester
The Passport to Vermont Libraries committee will be in touch with each of your librarians to arrange getting your prizes to you. Congratulations!