Vermont Library Conference – Save The Date!

The 117th Annual Vermont Library Conference will be held Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at St Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. This will be an exciting one day event so mark your calendars now and keep your eyes out for updates coming soon!

Vermont Library Conference – Save The Date!

The 117th Annual Vermont Library Conference will be held Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at St Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. This will be an exciting one day event so mark your calendars now and keep your eyes out for updates coming soon!

e-Vermont Broadband applications now available

The Vermont Council on Rural Development has posted application materials for Year Two of the e-Vermont Community Broadband Project.

This project is funded via a federal Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grant and continues the project begun in 2010 when 12 Vermont communities were chosen for funding.

The Department of Libraries is a grant partner and is responsible for administering grant funds to public libraries in selected e-Vermont communities.

Deadline for electronic applications is November 17, 5:00 p.m.

For information about the e-Vermont Program:

For information about applications for Year Two:

For information on how public libraries can become involved, contact your DOL regional consultant.

More Information on Videoconferencing Available

Our introduction to videoconferencing was a great success.  You can find more information on possible funding and examples videoconference programs with this posting. 1.) locvideopubliclbn 2.) Polycom Program Resources 2010 3.) Polycom Grant Assistance Program – VIT  4.) VC Content Providers 5.) CAPspace 2010 A DVD of the conference will be available for anyone who was not able to attend.  Watch the listserv for notification of when the DVD is ready for loan.

You can also see what is going on with videoconferencing at Alberta (Canada) libraries at .

Please contact us if you have any comments or questions regarding videoconferencing or have questions for any of the presenters.

Marty Reid at 802-828-3261 or

Marti Fiske at 802-878-4918 or .

2010 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Survey

The 2010 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Survey (sometimes called the Plinter survey) funded by the American Library Association and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was opened to libraries for participation September 7, 2010. Libraries participating in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Opportunity Online Hardware Grant Program are required to participate in the survey, but all Vermont public libraries are encouraged to submit data.
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Vermont Online Survey Goes Out to Libraries

The Vermont Online Library (VOL) Committee will be sending out an electronic survey to libraries in the next week to gather information about what online products they would like see included in the Vermont Online Library (collection of information databases) in the next contract cycle, 2011-2015. The survey will be sent out to all Vermont school, public and academic libraries. All libraries should complete a survey, including libraries that currently do not subscribe to VOL. Only one person per library should return the survey. The deadline for completing the survey is August 27. The VOL Committee will review survey results before issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to vendors and making the final decisions about what online content will be included in VOL beginning in 2011.

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Save the date! Videoconferencing in Libraries

More information coming soon.

Within Reach: A live videoconference connecting all parts of Vermont to each other and the world.

September 21, 2010
1:45 – 3:45 pm
At all VIT sites

Learn how videoconferencing brings the world to your library. Be prepared to be excited and engaged by the possibilities that videoconferencing affords.

Learn about funding opportunities. Discover how you can take advantage of available sources including help with grant writing.

Learn about videoconferencing from a librarian who has been connected for years. Meet with inspiration from Wilma Kakie Glover-Koomson The reference librarian/IT manager Haverstraw King’s Daughter Public Library, Garnerville, New York.

Learn about the connection to the Library of Congress. Experience how programs will benefit your community from Judy Graves, Digital Projects Coordinator- Library of Congress.

Come discover how the future for your library is… Within Reach.

*For directions to the VIT sites visit

Vermont Libraries Included in Broadband Grant Award

Good news!

The Department of Libraries is happy to confirm that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration yesterday awarded a $33.4 million grant to deploy a fiber optic network across the state of Vermont. The grant award will go to the Vermont Telecommunications Authority (VTA) as part of the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

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