VLA Seeks Chair For Government Relations Committee

The Vermont Library Association is looking for a dedicated person to serve as the chair of its Government Relations Committee. The work entails the following:

  • Recruits people to serve on Government Relations Committee.
  • Keeps abreast of legislative issues which relate to libraries, especially Vermont libraries.
  • Reports to the Executive Board on library legislation.
  • Prepare news items on legislation for VLA News.
  • Submits to the treasurer an estimate of income and expenses for the annual budget.
  • Prepares an annual report for the annual meeting and for publication in the June/July issue of VLA News.
  • When possible, attends National Library Legislation Day in Washington D.C., or organizes a Vermont Legislation Day.
  • Prepares an annual legislative agenda for adoption by the membership at the annual meeting.
  • With the Executive Board, works toward implementation of the legislative agenda.
  • Attends Department of Libraries Board meetings and report to Executive Board and/or the VLA membership.
  • At end of term, turns over current records to successor and non-current records to the archivist.

I’m glad to discuss the job in greater detail if there are any questions, so please feel free to either email or call. My contact information is below.


Joseph M. Farara
Faculty Librarian, Johnson State College
Director of Vermont State Colleges Library Planning
337 College Hill
Johnson, VT 05656
(802) 635-1272