Registration is Open!

Let’s Get Together: Projects, Strategies, and New Approaches That Worked (Or Didn’t!)

2017 VLA College & Special Libraries Section Fall Program
November 17, 2017
St. Michael’s College
Colchester, VT

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ALA condemns racism and violence in Charlottesville

CHICAGO – Today American Library Association President Jim Neal released the following statement regarding the weekend’s tragic violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.
“The ALA expresses our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those lost and injured during this weekend’s protests in Charlottesville, Virginia. We will not forget their efforts to enlighten and safeguard their communities from bigotry while opposing racist, anti-immigrant, anti-GLBTQ, and anti-Semitic violence. We stand in solidarity with the people of Virginia as well as anyone who protests hate and fights for equity, diversity and inclusion.Read more

Congratulations to Scott Murphy & Tom McMurdo!

“The VLA leadership would like to congratulate Scott Murphy and Tom McMurdo on their respective appointments as State Librarian and Assistant State Librarian. It has been exciting to see the work they both have already done reinvigorating the Department of Libraries. This bodes well for the future growth and strength of all Vermont libraries. We also appreciate the support they offer to the VLA and look forward to working together more.”
     Joy Worland, VLA President

VLA supports and endorses the recent statement by ALA President

STATEMENT:  The Vermont Library Association supports and endorses the recent statement by American Library Association President, Julie Todaro, regarding the proposed budget cuts to the Institute of Museum and Library Services.:

WASHINGTON, DC — In response to President Trump’s proposal to eliminate the Institute of Museum and Library Services in his FY2018 budget, American Library Association (ALA) President Julie Todaro today issued the following statement:

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Register now for VLC 2017, Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Thursday, May 18, 2017
8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
An unconference is participant-driven program where the attendees create the agenda by selecting topics for discussion and become active participants in the conversation. No question is too small. Share your successes. Connect with colleagues from across the state. VLC 2017 will also consist of the annual VLA Business Meeting, elections, awards and recognition, and section meetings. The unconference format gives you, the participant, the opportunity to drive discussion and Let Your Voice Be Heard. 

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Books for the Holidays

Reviewed on “Across the Fence” on WCAX
Monday, November 28, 2016 at 12:10 p.m.
Reviewers Amy Howlett, Springfield Town Library;
Hannah Peacock, Burnham Memorial Library;
Judy Simpson of WCAX

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Support for ALA Statement on Tolerance

At its November meeting, the Vermont Library Association voted to approve and endorse the statement by American Library Association president, Judy Todaro, on the library role to promote and protect diversity and inclusion.

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VLA Graduate Student Scholarship

The Vermont Library Association (VLA) promotes professional librarianship in Vermont and encourages involvement in professional development. In support of this, VLA has created a scholarship for those enrolled in a graduate-level library degree program.

VLA will award up to $1,500 to the selected, qualified applicant pursuing an MLS or MLIS degree.  The check will go directly to the recipient’s educational program.

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • be enrolled in an MLS/MLIS program;
  • be an active VLA member;
  • live in Vermont and/or work in a Vermont library, and;
  • not have received a scholarship from VLA in the past two years.

The scholarship will be administered by the Vermont Library Association Scholarship Committee. The committee reserves the right not to award a scholarship if qualified applicants are not found. Priority will be based on monetary need and potential for involvement, leadership, and commitment to Vermont Libraries.

Click here for the scholarship application. It can be returned to Pamela Cartier at

The deadline for applications is November 15 each year, with the scholarship sent to the institution for the spring semester. Winners will be notified by December 15, and a check will be mailed after January 1.

Last updated October 26, 2024. (sl)

October Is Information Literacy Month

unesco-2The Vermont Consortium of Academic Libraries, Vermont School Library Association, and the Vermont Library Association believe that information literacy is crucial to Vermonters’ success from K-20, into the workplace and continuing throughout the lifespan. While librarians and libraries provide the foundation for teaching information literacy skills, offering quality information sources and collaborative spaces for all Vermonters, we do not work alone in valuing and building these skills…There is an urgent need for dialog among key stakeholders to raise awareness of the importance of information literacy as a lifelong skill, strengthen channels of communication to help students transition their skills from one setting to another, and to help Vermont’s students become information literate adults and citizens.
Vermont Librarians Statement on Information Literacy