Check Out the Vermont Library Substitute Pool

In our rural state, many libraries are staffed by a single staff person, or by a very small staff. This can make it a challenge to accomplish large projects within a short time period, have an extended vacation, or take advantage of a professional development opportunity. Also, those librarians who work part-time sometimes would like to expand their experience, network and income with additional work within their profession.

The Vermont Library Association (VLA), Green Mountain Library Consortium (GMLC) and Vermont Consortium of Academic Libraries (VCAL) are excited to introduce the Vermont Library Substitute Pool!

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E-Vermont Citizens in a Connected Age Workshop

Vermont librarians are welcome at the Citizens in a Connected Age workshop, December 11 at Castleton State College. A similar workshop will be given March 5, 2011 in Lyndonville. Vermont public librarians attending will receive 5 technology certification credits after completing an evaluation. Joanna Cummings of the Snelling Center for Government organized the workshop as the e-Vermont Community Coordinator. Libraries do not need to be part of the e-Vermont grant to attend.

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Volunteers Needed NELA Conference in Burlington, VT 2011

The New England Library Association is holding its annual conference in Burlington in October 2011. The NELA conference committee is busy making preparations and need help from some Vermonters to assistant in designing programs and making connections with Vermont’s resources.

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Teen Video Challenge

Hello, all you creative librarians: The Collaborative Summer Library Program and the Vermont Department of Libraries are co-sponsoring a teen video challenge to make a Public Service Announcement promoting reading, libraries and the 2011 summer program, “You are Here,” a theme designed to promote awareness of other cultures and places as well as individual differences. Please let your teens know about this opportunity. States all over the country will be participating in this CSLP challenge, and there will be a winning video for each state. That video will be used as one of the official teen PSAs for next summer. The creator of the video will win $250 from CSLP, and the public library with which he/she is affiliated, will get $100.

The entry form, rules, downloadable brochures and other information are all available here:

The teens can work by themselves or as part of a library program. This is a great opportunity to showcase some Vermont talent!

Deadline for completing the video and getting the forms to me is: March 4, 2011

Vermont Library Conference – Save The Date!

The 117th Annual Vermont Library Conference will be held Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at St Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. This will be an exciting one day event so mark your calendars now and keep your eyes out for updates coming soon!

Vermont Library Conference – Save The Date!

The 117th Annual Vermont Library Conference will be held Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at St Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. This will be an exciting one day event so mark your calendars now and keep your eyes out for updates coming soon!

Vermont Library Conference – Save The Date!

The 117th Annual Vermont Library Conference will be held Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at St Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. This will be an exciting one day event so mark your calendars now and keep your eyes out for updates coming soon!