From Mara Siegel to VLA Listserv
Have you ever been curious about blogs, wikis, flickr, RSS, MySpace, and YouTube, but haven’t gone beyond looking up their definitions? Here’s a chance to explore those tools (and more!)
Vermont’s 23 Things is a self-directed online learning program that will introduce you to many Web 2.0 tools. It will encourage you to play with them and see how they can be useful in your library (or personally).
To see more, click on Vermont’s 23 Things or cut and paste vermontlibrarieslearn.wordpress
.com into your browser window. Then dive right in!Please distribute this e-mail among your co-workers. If you have any questions about Vermont’s 23 Things, please contact Mara Siegel. e-mail: mara.siegel@mail.dol.state.vt
.us phone: 828-3261
I thought this should go up here in case some of you are not subscribed to the VLA listserv. It’s a really good opportunity to get a crash course in social sofware in a fun, self-paced environment if you’ve been waiting for a reason to try these tools out. It only just started at the end of January. I’m having a lot of fun with it, just as a personal endorsement.
Helen Linda