Call for grant applications from Vermont Town Libraries
Since the year 2000, Ashgate Publishing Company in Burlington has devoted a large portion of its annual charitable contributions budget to support libraries around the state.
In the wake of the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Irene, and in recognition of our role as a corporate citizen in this state, Ashgate UK made a special donation in late 2011 in support of Vermont and Vermonters: $2,500 for the Vermont Public Libraries Foundation and $1,000 to the Librarians Relief Fund.
Through its library donations program, Ashgate makes grants to public libraries in Vermont for special one-time projects and needs (as opposed to standard operating expenses and book budgets) as they arise. The charitable donations committee encourages libraries to apply for grants that supplement other fundraising efforts. Libraries are also encouraged to team up with other area libraries and apply for grants collectively. Examples of the grants made in recent years include:
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