New Advocacy Tool – Mobile Commons

ALA has now made it easy for all of us  to respond to  email alerts that are sent out asking us to call our legislator on behalf of the most recent bill or action..  Text!

Here’s what to do:

Text “library” to 877877. You will receive a message back asking for your address. Send that info back.  From now on, when there’s a legislative alert from ALA relating to library and information issues they will send you a text.

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July Workshops from DOL

There is still room so please consider attending a workshop (or more) in July. Clicking on the workshop title will take you to the registration form.

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Free Online Education Opportunities for July 2012

Listed below are FREE programs American Management Association, Booklist, Colorado State Library, Georgia Library Association, Grantspace, Infopeople, Library Journal, National Library of Medicine, Nebraska Library Commission, Nonprofit Webinars, TechSoup, and WebJunction will be webcasting during July.

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2012 Public Library Grants Request – Ashgate Publishing

Call for grant applications from Vermont Town Libraries

Since the year 2000, Ashgate Publishing Company in Burlington has devoted a large portion of its annual charitable contributions budget to support libraries around the state.

In the wake of the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Irene, and in recognition of our role as a corporate citizen in this state, Ashgate UK made a special donation in late 2011 in support of Vermont and Vermonters: $2,500 for the Vermont Public Libraries Foundation and $1,000 to the Librarians Relief Fund.

Through its library donations program, Ashgate makes grants to public libraries in Vermont for special one-time projects and needs (as opposed to standard operating expenses and book budgets) as they arise.  The charitable donations committee encourages libraries to apply for grants that supplement other fundraising efforts.  Libraries are also encouraged to team up with other area libraries and apply for grants collectively.  Examples of the grants made in recent years include:

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New Graded Booklists

My fabulous advisory committee (Cheryl Cox, Kathy Dulac, Amy McMullen, Hannah Peacock, Julie Pickett, Chris Poggi and Nancy Rumery) have updated the graded booklists we have on our website, from Kindergarten through Young Adult. Print them out, and hand them out to your patrons to make their selections just a bit easier.

They are on this page under “Graded booklists.”


ALA Councilor’s Report

Hello from sunny Anaheim! I am happy to again be reporting from annual conference. At the first Council meeting we heard reports of task forces and committees. One report of particular interest was presented by the Digital Content & Libraries Working Group. This is the group that is working with ebook publishers. The group had an initial meeting with publishers in the spring and are now working to create business models and licensing agreements and to find ways to communicate the issues to the library community and the general public. ALA leaders have met with publishers twice more. They will continue to work to increase good access to e-resources.

I was lucky enough to score tickets for the first ever Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction Award presentation. Nominees for the award included Anne Enright, Karen Russell, Russell Banks, James Gleik, Robert Massie, and Manning Marable. Anne Enright won for her new book The Forgotten Waltz and Robert Massie won for Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman. ALA hopes this award will become the adult Newbery.

At our second Council meeting we passed a resolution encouraging support for school librarians.

It has been a great pleasure representing Vermont at ALA conferences for the past six years.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Wilson

ALA Councilor's Report

Hello from sunny Anaheim! I am happy to again be reporting from annual conference. At the first Council meeting we heard reports of task forces and committees. One report of particular interest was presented by the Digital Content & Libraries Working Group. This is the group that is working with ebook publishers. The group had an initial meeting with publishers in the spring and are now working to create business models and licensing agreements and to find ways to communicate the issues to the library community and the general public. ALA leaders have met with publishers twice more. They will continue to work to increase good access to e-resources.
I was lucky enough to score tickets for the first ever Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction Award presentation. Nominees for the award included Anne Enright, Karen Russell, Russell Banks, James Gleik, Robert Massie, and Manning Marable. Anne Enright won for her new book The Forgotten Waltz and Robert Massie won for Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman. ALA hopes this award will become the adult Newbery.
At our second Council meeting we passed a resolution encouraging support for school librarians.
It has been a great pleasure representing Vermont at ALA conferences for the past six years.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Wilson

Goodbye to Marjorie Shane

Hello all –

I am sad to report that Marjorie Shane passed away last week. Yesterday was the first I’d heard of it and I thought that the library community would want to know. Any time I got the opportunity to work with her I was delighted, she was such fun! She will be greatly missed.

Her obituary is on the Ricker Funeral Home website at this address: Please feel free to sign the guestbook for her family.

Services are on Friday, June 29 at noon at Our Lady Of Perpetual Life in Bradford, VT. The burial will take place in Massachusetts on Saturday the 30th. There will be no calling hours. In lieu of flowers please send donations to either or both of the libraries where she was director:

Groton Free Library –
Tenney Memorial Library –


Book Mending Workshop

Book Mending
Wednesday, July 11, 9:30-11:30
Deerfield Valley Elementary School, Wilmington

Learn basic book mending techniques with Ellen Allman in a two hour, hands-on workshop. A trained and experienced book mender, Ellen will discuss when to mend and when to discard or send to a professional. Bring books which need repairing and, if you have them, basic book mending materials for discussion. Each session is limited to fifteen people in order to offer effective instruction.


Mara Siegel
Continuing Education Coordinator
Vermont Department of Libraries
(802) 828-2727

Carterette Series Webinars from GLA

The Georgia Library Association has announced the July 2012 sessions of the Carterette Series Webinars.

The Carterette Series is a bi-monthly educational webinar series highlighting trends, innovation, and best practices in libraries. The free sessions are open to interested parties from all geographic (and astral) locations.

Can’t make it to the live show? That’s okay! The sessions will be recorded and available on the CSW site for later viewing.

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