How can we extend library services beyond their conventional limits? How can we make students, faculty and staff better aware of all the resources and services available to them? How can we market the library in a world where people’s attention is at a premium?
Pew Surveys of Public Librarians and Public Library Patrons
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is funding a national research effort to study the changing role of librarians, library users, and the general public in the digital age. The Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project is conducting the surveys and analyzing the data as related to reading/e-reading; changes in library services and the choices libraries are making; and if/how the digital age is changing how people use books and libraries.
Why Jane Austen? – JASNA-Vermont’s June Meeting
You are Cordially Invited to JASNA-Vermont’s June Meeting
Why Jane Austen?
What do we want from Jane Austen? Why do we want it?
and What do we get from the movies, the fan fiction, and the Novels?
with Rachel Brownstein*
Sunday, 3 June 2012, 2 – 4 p.m.
Champlain College, Hauke Conference Center, 375 Maple St Burlington VT
Free & Open to the Public
Light refreshments served
For more information: / 802-343-2294
Please visit our blog at:
Why Jane Austen? – JASNA-Vermont's June Meeting
You are Cordially Invited to JASNA-Vermont’s June Meeting
Why Jane Austen?
What do we want from Jane Austen? Why do we want it?
and What do we get from the movies, the fan fiction, and the Novels?
with Rachel Brownstein*
Sunday, 3 June 2012, 2 – 4 p.m.
Champlain College, Hauke Conference Center, 375 Maple St Burlington VT
Free & Open to the Public
Light refreshments served
For more information: / 802-343-2294
Please visit our blog at:
Read more
Resource Sharing Grants Deadline Approaching
The Department of Libraries mailed forms for the 2012 Resource Sharing Grants to eligible libraries in an April 23 mailing.
This is a reminder that libraries must return the signed 2012 Grant Agreement form and 2011 Resource Sharing Grant Report form by May 14, 2012.
We want to make sure that all eligible libraries receive grant funds, so please return those forms by the postmark deadline of May 14. These grants are made possible with federal LSTA funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and this paperwork is required to meet federal grant guidelines.
If you have questions, please contact Renee Ancel at: 802-828-3266 /
Cloudy with a Chance of Connecting to the Future!
New England Library Association – Information Technology Section
2012 ITS Spring Event
Cloudy with a Chance of Connecting to the Future!
Friday, June 8, 2012
9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Worcester Public Library
3 Salem Square, Worcester MA 01608
Registration fee includes lunch!
NELA members $50
Non-members $65
Library School students & unemployed librarians $35
Register at theConference Website:
DEADLINE: June 1, 2012
Free Online Education Opportunities for May 2012
Listed below are FREE programs American Library Association, American Management Association, Booklist, Colorado Library Consortium, Colorado State Library, Grantspace, InSync Training, Library Journal, Montana State Library, NoveList, National Library of Medicine, Nebraska Library Commission, OCLC, O’Reilly, SirsiDynix, TechSoup, TLT Group, Utah State Library, and WebJunction, will be webcasting during May.
DOL May Workshops
The following workshops will be taking place in May and June.
- VT Strong: Disaster Preparedness and Response in Vermont
- Creating Video for Your Library
- Book Mending
Champlain College Library Wins National Award
Champlain College has received an Excellence in Academic Libraries Award from the Association of College and Research Libraries. Libraries are continuing to prove that they are still vibrant and vital places for their communities.
This news story aired April 23 on WPTZ and New England Cable News.
Champlain College Library Wins National Award
Champlain College has received an Excellence in Academic Libraries Award from the Association of College and Research Libraries. Libraries are continuing to prove that they are still vibrant and vital places for their communities.
This news story aired April 23 on WPTZ and New England Cable News.