Serving Deaf Patrons in the Library – February 22 & 29 (2-Parts)

Two-Part Workshop
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012
Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

Make your library a welcoming place for deaf people. In this workshop, you will gain an understanding of Deaf culture, learn several useful library-related signs, and be ready to work confidently with interpreters for your programs. Links to video demonstrations and handouts for library-related signs will be made accessible to participants to encourage practice and implementation after the workshop.
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Librarian Relief Fund – Now Accepting Applications

The Vermont Library Association is now accepting applications for the Librarian Relief Fund. The deadline to apply is February 15th, 2012. Please contact VLA President Joe Farara with any questions,

Librarian Relief Fund Application (PDF)
Librarian Relief Fund Application (DOC)

The Vermont Library Association Librarian Relief Fund assists librarians who suffered personal property damages as a result of Hurricane Irene.  Many of our colleagues need support beyond what is offered them by governmental agencies, so please donate generously to their cause.

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Public Library Compensation Survey Information

The VLA Personnel Committee will be conducting a public library compensation survey  in March. This survey will include both public library professionals and paraprofessionals.

To ensure that the survey link reaches all  library staff members, I am requesting that public library directors please send me a list of their staff email addresses.   The addresses will ONLY be used for emailing the survey link.  My email is:

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Thank you so much,

Day For Friends

Vermont Friends of the Library, get out your calendars. May 5, a Saturday, is this year’s Day for Friends. We’ll meet at the amazing Axinn Center at the Starr Library at Middlebury College. Register now at for this no cost, information-packed day. Based on feedback from last year, topics include:

  • Social networking for Friends (Facebook? Twitter? Tumblr? Google-alert?)
  • Your Questions Answered Anonymously!  (Please send those questions to me now!)
  • Growing the Friends membership
  • Making the Ask

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Congratulations to Champlain College!

Champlain College has been selected as one of the recipients of the Association of College and Research Libraries 2012 Excellence in Academic Librarianship Awards.

In announcing the award, ACRL said that Champlain College ” impressed the selection committee with its nontraditional approach to instruction and positive student-driven environment.”

Learn more here:

Congratulations to everyone at Champlain!

Daisy Benson

Scholarships for DCF Conference

By now most of you will have received the flyer for this year’s DCF conference to be held on Friday, May 4 at the Stoweflake Resort in Stowe, VT. Hope that you’re excited about our great speakers, Jon Scieszka and Raina Telgemeier, and workshops. This year, for the first time, the Friends of DCF are giving 6 scholarships to people who would not otherwise be able to go! We know that budgets are tight and many cannot attend because of the cost, so this will allow 6 more of you to be there. Deadline to apply for a scholarship is:  February 24.

For links to both the Conference brochure and the scholarship application, go to: