Public Library Compensation & Benefit Survey – Email Addresses Needed

This a reminder to all library directors to send your list of staff email addresses to me at by Friday, March 16th.  The addresses will be used for emailing the Public Library Compensation & Benefit Survey, 2012. to both public library professionals and paraprofessionals. The survey will be sent out on March 30th.

I hope that all of you will participate in this year’s survey as the results will provide valuable information about the state of our public libraries and the dedicated staff that supports them since the economic downturn in 2008.  The results of the survey will be useful when approaching Selectboards & Trustee Boards.    If you would like to see the results of the 2008 survey, please click on this link:

Thank you so much for your help,


Public Library Compensation & Benefit Survey – Email Addresses Needed

This a reminder to all library directors to send your list of staff email addresses to me at by Friday, March 16th.  The addresses will be used for emailing the Public Library Compensation & Benefit Survey, 2012. to both public library professionals and paraprofessionals. The survey will be sent out on March 30th.
I hope that all of you will participate in this year’s survey as the results will provide valuable information about the state of our public libraries and the dedicated staff that supports them since the economic downturn in 2008.  The results of the survey will be useful when approaching Selectboards & Trustee Boards.    If you would like to see the results of the 2008 survey, please click on this link:
Thank you so much for your help,

Adult Program Swap

Got your programs lined up for the summer? Great theme possibilities with night and “Between the Covers”! One library wants to do an adult sleepover—are you ready for the excitement? Come to the Adult Program Swap with your fellow librarians and get ideas for boomers, thirty-somethings, book groups and men.  Register at  The workshop is April 19th, 9:30 – noon at the Aldrich Library in Barre.

Free Online Education Opportunities for March 2012

Listed below are FREE programs American Management Association, Booklist, Colorado State Library, Common Knowledge, Education Week, Grantspace, Infopeople, InSync Training, Library Journal, Library Support Staff Certification Program , Lyrasis, Montana State Library, National Library of Medicine, Nebraska Library Commission, NISO, O’Reilly, San Jose State University – SLIS, School Library Journal, Texas State Library & Archives, The TLT Group, TL Virtual Café, University of Wyoming, Washington State Library, WebJunction, and the Wyoming State Library will be webcasting during March.

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VLA/NHLA Leadership Conference

Registration is full. Forms/checks received will now be wait listed. Individuals will be notified of cancellations in the order they were received. Wait listed checks will be returned after the workshop.

Vermont Library Association and New Hampshire Library Association are pleased to offer a one-day workshop

This participatory workshop will focus on the future of libraries and the best practices that will help librarians improve access and services for their patrons.

Facilitated by Maureen Sullivan, president-elect of American Library Association and facilitator of NELLS (New England Library Leadership Symposium)

Friday, April 13, 2012
9:30 – 4:30
Coffee & munchies served at 9:00
Howe Library / 13 South Street / Hanover, NH 03755

Library Leadership Flyer & Registration (PDF)
Library Leadership Flyer & Registration (RTF)

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ACRL-NEC VT Virtual Conference!


The ACRL New England Annual Conference is one again upon us and being held at College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. Can’t make it down to Worcester? Want to network with other Vermont librarians? Need a cost-effective professional development option?

Mark your calendar for the 3rd Annual ACRL-NEC Vermont Virtual Conference on Friday, May 18th!

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