The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s “Celebrate Urban Birds” project is accepting applications for mini-grants to fund neighborhood events that promote an appreciation for birds and nature. Grants average $250-$500.
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YALSA MAE Award for Best Literature Program for Teens
The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), seeks members’ application for the MAE Award for Best Literature Program for Teens, sponsored by the Margaret A. Edwards Trust. The winner receives $500 and an additional $500 for their library. The award is open to all personal members of ALA/YALSA who have created an outstanding reading or literature program in the twelve months preceding the award deadline of December 1.
Federal Aid Programs for Vermont Disaster Recovery
I write to let you know about FEMA’s announcement about federal aid programs for Vermont disaster recovery, Libraries now come under the “essential community services” category and may be eligible for aid. Hazard mitigation aid for cultural institutions, while difficult to obtain, provides another opportunity for support. COSTEP MA was able to secure funding for a hazard mitigation project following a federally declared disaster in 2010. (The grant was finally approved a few weeks ago; we submitted the first version in 2010 and revised it twice before acceptance.)
e-Communities in a Digital Age
Saturday, November 19th; 9am – 4pm February 16th, 2012
Lyndon State College Vermont Technical College
Visit for more information and registration link.
Join community leaders from around the state to share ideas and best practices for using online tools to create jobs, reinvent schools, attract visitors, improve civic involvement, and enliven Vermont communities.
Using Web 2.0 to Market and Promote Libraries in the U.S.
The South Carolina State Library is in the process of gathering data for the 4th “Using Web 2.0 to Market and Promote Libraries in the U.S.” survey. The survey is open to all, but is generally completed by public and academic libraries. To see a copy of last year’s results at
Theannual survey, Using Web 2.0 to Market and Promote Libraries in the U.S., is now open. The survey will close on Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 5:00pm EST.
Content, Access and the Role of Libraries in a Connected –An Online Event (2011 LYRASIS Annual Meeting)
On Wednesday November 9, 2011, from 1:30 to 4:00 PM Brooks Memorial Library will host the 2011 LYRASIS Annual Meeting. This year’s meeting theme is Content, Access and the Role of Libraries in a Connected World, and will feature a keynote address by Siva Vaidhyanathan, author ofThe Googlization of Everything, as well as updates from LYRASIS staff and board members, and an open discussion for all participants.
2011 Annual Public Library Report and Standards Application
Hello Everyone,
This is a quick reminder that the Annual Public Library Report and Standards Application is due on or before November 21. There are 75 libraries that haven’t begun the survey, to date. Please take the time to complete this very important report.
You begin at this website:
Free Online Education Opportunities for November 2011
Listed below are FREE programs Accessible Technology Coalition , ALA, American Management Association, Booklist, GrantSpace, Infopeople, Library 2.0, Library Journal, Lyrasis, Nebraska Library Commission, OCLC, TechSoup, Texas State Library & Archives, University of Wyoming, webex, and WebJunction will be webcasting during November.
In the event that you aren’t available during those times, or you would like to check out past webinars, here are the links to archived events:
A Small But Powerful Webinar for Winning Big Support for Your Rural Library
Join us for an introduction to the revised edition of the popular Small But Powerful Guide to Winning Big Support for Your Rural Library, a new toolkit from the American Library Association’s Committee on Rural, Native, and Tribal Libraries of All Kinds, Office for Literacy and Outreach Services, and the Association for Rural and Small Libraries. This webinar will introduce you to the tips and strategies presented in the toolkit, share the experiences of a rural librarian who has built support for her library, and introduce you to some of the additional advocacy tools and resources from the American Library Association.
2012 Frances Henne/YALSA/VOYA (Voice of Youth Advocates) Research Grant
The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), the fastest growing division of the American Library Association (ALA), is offering the Frances Henne/YALSA/VOYA (Voice of Youth Advocates) Research Grant for 2012. This grant of $1000 provides seed money for small-scale projects that will encourage research that responds to the YALSA Research Agenda.
Details regarding the applications for the 2012 Frances Henne YALSA/VOYA Research Grant are available from the YALSA Web site at Applications for the grant are due in the YALSA Office by December 1, 2011.
For more information please contact us via e-mail,; or by phone: 800-545-2433 x 4387.