Libri Foundation Disaster Relief Grants

Public Librarians (including school/public Community Libraries):

The Libri Foundation is offering a limited number of special non-matching BOOKS FOR CHILDREN grants to libraries serving rural communities (serving a population under 10,000 – and especially libraries serving fewer than 5,000 population)  affected by recent floods or other natural disasters. Library grant recipients will be able to select $700 worth of new, quality hardcover children’s books from a list provided by the Foundation.

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FEMA Helps People With Disabilities Access Disaster Assistance

BURLINGTON, Vt – To help entire communities recover from Tropical Storm Irene’s flooding, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Vermont Emergency Management are working to make sure people with disabilities and those with access and functional needs have equal access to disaster assistance programs.

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2011 National Survey of Public Library Funding and Technology Access

Dear Library Director:

Since 2006, the American Library Association, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has conducted a national study of public library public access funding and technology. This Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study builds on previous studies conducted since 1994.

We thank you for your participation in the past, and hope that you will continue to participate in these important surveys. Last year, the study sampled and received responses from all states and the District of Columbia, however, the survey did not receive enough responses from four states for analysis purposes. Our goal for this year is full participation by all 50 states, which will provide the greatest impact for advocacy efforts at the local, state, and national levels.

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U.S. IMPACT Survey Pilot – Request for Help From Public Libraries

Public Library Directors,

I am forwarding a message from the University of Washington and asking for your help. With support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation they are developing a new U.S. IMPACT Survey public access technology evaluation tool. This follows their “Opportunity for All” survey (with report) conducted in 2009 and a second report released in 2011.

They are looking for public libraries of all sizes to help test their survey tool. See below for details. They have extended the enrollment in this pilot until September 26 for a 2-4 week field study.

It is important that we have some VT libraries participate in this pilot. Contact info is in the message below. Their goal is to register 400 libraries nationwide for this pilot.

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An Evening Without: Giving Voice to the Silenced

The ACLU of Vermont presents An Evening Without: Giving Voice to the Silenced,  Sunday, Sept. 25, 7:00 pm, Big Picture Theater, Waitsfield.  Vermont writers read from works that have been challenged, censored, or banned.  This event is held during Banned Books Week (September 24-October 1) in celebration of the First Amendment.  Admission by donation.

Featured readers are Lisa Alther, Philip Baruth, Emily Bernard, Rusty DeWees, David Goodman, Tanya Lee Stone, and Eric Zencey; emcee is Allen Gilbert, ACLU-VT executive director.

They will be reading from works by Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, George Orwell, Katherine Paterson, John Steinbeck, Mark Twain, and Kurt Vonnegut.

For more information, go to

Request for Public Comment on Broadband and Fiber Optic Expansion

SUMMARY: The Vermont Telecommunications Authority (VTA) is seeking public input on issues affecting high-speed Internet coverage in Vermont, and how the VTA can best support broadband expansion using state funds appropriated in its FY2012 capital appropriation. In addition to comments related to broadband generally, comments specifically on expansion of fiber optic facilities are also being solicited.  Comments must be received by October 6, 2011.

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Now’s the Time to Register for the NELA Annual Conference in Burlington!

Education! New and useful product and services! Networking! Inspiration!  Innovations! Authors! Social Events! Colleagues!

All this and more is available at the New England Library Association Annual Conference, October 2 – 4, in Burlington. Learn about Navigating the New Normal in your library. Register by September 23 for lower Early Registration rates. Vermont Library Association and ACRL-New England members receive NELA member pricing. This is a great, affordable professional development opportunity close to home. The deadline to reserve hotel rooms has been extended to Friday, September 9 – get your arrangements made now! Ride Share is also available for folks who want to carpool to and from Burlington.

There are plenty of offerings for academic and special librarians, including a keynote from R. David Lankes on Sunday afternoon that’s sure to please. Check out the program and register today!

Now's the Time to Register for the NELA Annual Conference in Burlington!

Education! New and useful product and services! Networking! Inspiration!  Innovations! Authors! Social Events! Colleagues!
All this and more is available at the New England Library Association Annual Conference, October 2 – 4, in Burlington. Learn about Navigating the New Normal in your library. Register by September 23 for lower Early Registration rates. Vermont Library Association and ACRL-New England members receive NELA member pricing. This is a great, affordable professional development opportunity close to home. The deadline to reserve hotel rooms has been extended to Friday, September 9 – get your arrangements made now! Ride Share is also available for folks who want to carpool to and from Burlington.
There are plenty of offerings for academic and special librarians, including a keynote from R. David Lankes on Sunday afternoon that’s sure to please. Check out the program and register today!

Getting Vital Information to the Public

Greetings all.

We have heard from many of you over the past 10 days and recognize what an amazing group of people we have in the Vermont library world! So many of you have become emergency response centers or stayed open additional hours or just listened to people who are confused or in shock after Hurrican Irene. As a new resident in Vermont it has been a real eye-opener about this state.

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