New DCF and GMBA Lists and Voting Information

Hello, all: I am pleased to announce that we now have lists for both the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Book Award (grades 4-8) and the Green Mountain Book Award (grades 9-12)for 2011-2012.

The DCF list is here:

And the GMBA list is here:

Voting on the 2010-2011 lists:

To vote for the DCF winner, please use the online form at Deadline is April 15.

To vote for the GMBA winner, please use the forms here: Votes are due on Friday, May 6.

Happy reading!

Center for Cartoon Studies Scholarship

Librarians: Alert your budding cartoonists!

For the third year in a row, the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction has donated a full scholarship to the Department of Libraries so a Vermont teen can attend their one week workshop, “Make Comics,” in the summer. This full scholarship, worth $850, includes the workshop, supplies, light breakfast, full lunch and evening student activities. Lodging is not included, but there is a very inexpensive hostel option at the nearby Hotel Coolidge. Any Vermont student age 16 – 19 (must be 16 years old by June 1, 2011) is eligible. The workshop will take place in White River Junction, VT July 18-22, 2011.

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Gale/Vermont Online Library Webinar Archives

The archives from the February Gale/Vermont Online Library webinars have been posted. They can be found at:

Direct links to the individual webinars:

Vermont Online Library and Gale Resources Update:

Job Help Tools From Vermont Online Library:

New Vermont Online Library Databases: Foreign Languages and Job Help:

Better World Book Offering Grants for Libraries

$75,000 in Funding Available for Library Literacy Programming
Better World Books is excited to introduce the LEAP Grants (Literacy and Education in Action Program) for Libraries. Applicants will propose a compelling literacy project in their community. It is understood that the needs and opportunities of the communities that libraries serve vary widely and are eager to review a variety of applications.

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e-Books Selected for the Vermont Online Library


On Friday, March 18, Gale will be activating VOL access to the updated VOL e-book collection.

At that time the upgrades to new editions and the new titles that Martha Reid announced in the message below will be available.

For a time, access to the older editions/titles will continue to be available and we will be in contact with you before those older e-books are removed.

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Town Meeting Survey for Public Library Directors

It’s that time of year again! The Department of Libraries is asking that you report results from your 2011 Town Meeting(s).  Below you will find a link to an online survey with questions about your budget and the results of Town Meeting. Please complete the survey and submit it online no later than April 1, 2011.

This year you will find new questions related to library fees and charges. I have heard from some library directors about new pressures to find additional revenue sources (e.g. fees for overdues, out-of-town borrower cards – and even library programs.) I want to have an account of any new or increased fees that took effect in Vermont libraries during 2010.

If your town has not yet held a vote for the next budget year, please fill out the relevant questions, and leave the rest of the survey blank – but please DO submit a survey.

More than ever before, this data is critical for us to show the true picture of library funding in Vermont.

Here’s the survey:

Federal Funding for Libraries: A Message from ALA

I am fowarding this letter from ALA President Roberta Stevens. You don’t need to be an ALA member to know the danger that library funding faces in the U.S. Congress, or to take action. The legislation passed in the House for FFY2011 especially targets school library funding. Now it’s on to the Senate.

Our Senators are supportive of libraries, but it is important that they hear from Vermonters about the need for maintaining current levels of funding for LSTA and for the Improving Literacy through School Libraries program.

Read below for more information — and spread the word to contact Senators today.


Martha Reid
State Librarian
Vermont Department of Libraries

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Jackson Gillman in Vermont for NELA Conference

We are excited to have Jackson Gillman coming to the NELA Conference (cosponsored by VLA) in Burlington on Monday, October 3.  He will be presenting a program on Rudyard Kipling in Vermont.

Jackson wanted me to pass along that while in VT, he would be willing to present programs at Vermont libraries who are interested.  If he has more than one program he can also lower the travel costs to libraries.

His web site is: if you are interested in contacting him about the many programs in his repertoire.